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Fiscal Policy?
coozer - 5/12/12 at 01:54 PM

Whatever that is..

Nowt better to do, too cold in the garage due to heavy snow just now.. sat through the chancellors mid term statement..

Now, I'm not sure what he was on about, he said nothing that I relate too, it sounds like he thinks everybody in this country earns over £200,000 a year..

How on earth do I live the rest of my life on the my small (but happy) income?

Heard on the radio the average weekly spend is about £440 a week? Eh? between me and wor lass we hardly bring that much in, never mind spend it and with the average pension saving being £6000 a year sounds like I should employ the treasury to balance my books!

How can we, the people who elect these rich buffoons get a good deal?

Is it time for UKIP??


David Jenkins - 5/12/12 at 02:32 PM

Originally posted by coozer
Is it time for UKIP??

Do you honestly think they'd be any better? Each and every politician is a money-grabbing, venal, out-of-touch waste of space... IMHO.

...perhaps my views are just a wee bit of a generalisation, but I don't think I'm that far off for many/most of them.

[Edited on 5/12/12 by David Jenkins]

T66 - 5/12/12 at 03:33 PM

Listened here too, he quotes 0.2% savings here, there and everywhere. And agreed none of it relates to normal people, living a normal life working hard for their incomes.

There isnt one political party worth a light, they all speak with forked tongues, promise the earth to secure our votes, then change their tack once in power.

Labour built lots of hospitals, schools and bankrupted the country, throwing money at everything, while the current Co-Op omnishambles ? Im not quite sure what they are acheiving, apart from bringing misery to a lot of decent people.

The only evidence I have seen of what they are interested in, is ensuring the wealthy remain so, and let the press off the hook by remaining self regulating, which as plebs we all know they dont.

Little doubt there will be a change of Govt in 2015, to be replaced with another rabble happy to sign up for the gravy train.

And so the wheel turns.....

Illegitimi non carborundum

Ninehigh - 5/12/12 at 09:49 PM

Originally posted by coozer
Is it time for UKIP??


It's time for the locostbuilders party to rise

Real people who live in a real country fixing actual problems

coozer - 5/12/12 at 11:24 PM

And fella's, just watched Newsnight and I'm no better off..

While the cost of living goes up, cost of gas and electric is rising, its now -3 outside everything is pushing me down..

Just in cause you think UKIP is no good I think if they can stop the the £77,000,000 we give away everyday can help I (might) be rich...

Ninehigh - 5/12/12 at 11:29 PM

Indeed, and I doubt the figure is that low. If we managed to cut 1/10th of our deficit by cutting expenditure like worlwide aid we'd be in a good position soon enough, we wouln't need to be cutting out things here and there and we wouldn't have people walking 20 miles for food.

woodster - 7/12/12 at 04:55 PM

UKIP for me next time , I quite like that Nigel Fromage frais ?......

britishtrident - 7/12/12 at 05:32 PM

Earlier this year a program on statistics on Radio 4 looked into if massive cut backs did any good they came to the conclusion that compared to a policy of concentrating wise on spending they made little difference if anything massive cut backs caused more damage in the long term. The conclusion for good effect of severe cut backs is they make the IMF and other international financial institutions have more confidence that the countries government is taking actually doing something to deal with the economy.

[Edited on 7/12/12 by britishtrident]

Alfa145 - 7/12/12 at 05:46 PM

And they like to create themselves new posts like the pointless Police Commisioners. Then appoint their buddies as deputies and cost us even more....

Put them on minimum wage with no fancy pensions and allowances and lets see how they like it.

JoelP - 7/12/12 at 08:27 PM

Voting UKIP is important on one hand, so they get more seats (to make mainstream parties take on board some of their policies), but it would be a calamity beyond comprehension if they actually managed to get a majority and form a government!

The country is not doing well IMHO, but you can never guess what would have happened had we tried to spend our way out of the recession. Its a bit like a snaking trailer IMHO, you can either back off the gas and try to catch it, or you can try to power out of it - but if that doesnt work you're that much further up poo creek than had you been more cautious. We may well lose our AAA rating shortly, but we're still the safe haven compared to the rest of europe.

Bear in mind that a good portion of the national debt comes from the spending that GB ordered to try to stave off the recession.

whitestu - 7/12/12 at 08:46 PM

The whole economic system is doomed to failure at some point. The solution to all our economic woes is economic growth which prety much by definition is unsustainable.

We all need to go back to farming. Locost horse drawn cart anybody?

[Edited on 7/12/12 by whitestu]

britishtrident - 7/12/12 at 10:37 PM

Originally posted by Alfa145
And they like to create themselves new posts like the pointless Police Commisioners. Then appoint their buddies as deputies and cost us even more....

Put them on minimum wage with no fancy pensions and allowances and lets see how they like it.

The John Major government basically got chucked out because of deep rooted sleaze. The Blair was only better probably because the Labour sleaze was less well established at least at the start although getting the dodgy Iraq dossier business buried stank to the high heavens.
The current lot hit the ground running everything since they went it has been jobs, contracts and tax breaks for the boys from day one.

That darling of the blue rinse set and golf club bars up and down the country teflon Cameron even seems to have dodged the bullet with his too close relationship with important figures in the Murdock quagmire (quagmire = an empire that stinks).

And everybody south of Hadrian's wall wonders why the SNP's share of the vote north ha soared? Most Scottish voters don't really think the SNP independence plans are viable but the recognise that in Salmond an astute and dedicated politician and the only show in town.

f things continue the way they are going if I lived in England I would vote Monster Raving Looney.

[Edited on 7/12/12 by britishtrident]

nick205 - 7/12/12 at 11:03 PM

Originally posted by whitestu
The whole economic system is doomed to failure at some point. The solution to all our economic woes is economic growth which prety much by definition is unsustainable.

We all need to go back to farming. Locost horse drawn cart anybody?

[Edited on 7/12/12 by whitestu]

The growth/consumption model is fatally flawed IMHO, but we're too far locked into it now. Also IMHO it's next to impossible to REALLY step out of it on a small scale/personal level too.

Do you resign yourself to the way of the world, hard not to. I wonder what life my kids (4, 4 & 6) will lead, better than mine / worse than mine ??? Different that's for sure, but then my life is quite different to my parents.

Bottom line for me is humans will overpopulate the planet before we can engineer our way out of it. And the final global killer will not be war, lack of energy, disease, global warming, but lack of clean water. This will result in worse conflict than religion has ever caused...all IMHO of course and way beyond my lifetime.

britishtrident - 8/12/12 at 02:34 PM

Democracy is also fatally flawed for example we need to to build a fair number of nuclear power stations but building nuclear stations is the kiss of death to any govenment that starts even investigate to building them.

However like growth/consumption model democracy it is the least bad of all the alternatives.

[Edited on 8/12/12 by britishtrident]

JC - 25/12/12 at 07:28 PM

As an instinctive conservative (in terms of political philosophy, rather than anything else!), I believe that the current political esperanto has not been the best for the country - at a time when clear, positive leadership has been required, we have been forced into a mish mash of compromise necessary to keep the coalition together. What worries me more is that in the election in 2015, people might actually consider that millibland and his cronies will represent a viable alternative and, after 5 hard years trying to reduce a debt larger than that after WW2 (with no gold reserve to fall back on after Blair sold it all to fund his first 2 terms..), they will put us back to square 1 by spending beyond our means again. I agree with previous posters though ,all politicians deserve shooting with a blunt bullet!!!!!!!

[Edited on 25/12/12 by JC]

JoelP - 25/12/12 at 08:39 PM

Originally posted by JC
As an instinctive conservative (in terms of political philosophy, rather than anything else!), I believe that the current political esperanto has not been the best for the country - at a time when clear, positive leadership has been required, we have been forced into a mish mash of compromise necessary to keep the coalition together. what worries me more is that in the election in 2015, people might actually consider that millibland and his cronies will represent a viable alternative and, after 5 hard years trying to reduce a debt larger than that after WW2 (with no gold reserve to fall back on after Blair sold it all to find his first 2 terms..), they will put us back to square 1 by spending behind our means again. I agree with previous posters though ,all politicians deserve shooting with a blunt bullet!!!!!!!

Very true, would be shockingly awful if labour got back in so soon on the back of a refection of the coalition. More awful due to their politicians than their policies tbh, a real shower of wallies.

Dangle_kt - 25/12/12 at 10:29 PM

i'm pretty confident that no political party CAN fix anything.

1) the system they are operating in is HUGELY complex
2) to stay in power they have to do popular or at least not grossly unpopular things - this leads to no action, or too little to register -essentially the initia is too great to over come before 4 years comes round. if we are as fubbared as I keep reading (and the other EU countries keep folding would suggest we are) everything that is needed to fix the situation is DEEPLY unpopular - so they target those that don't vote as targets that dont hit back. (if the poor/income benefit types mobilised and voted in numbers they wouldn;t get half the kicking they do)
3) the alternative is either a suicide party (as per italy which just collapsed when belesconi removed support) or a dictatorship

All pretty crappy options which lead to a situation that will only get worse by degrees until radicalization comes full circle - and what a sorry day that will be.