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That Football Song...
coozer - 13/7/12 at 12:30 PM

Heres something doing the rounds up here, even the bbc are playing it!

"Football is all around you and thanks to the North East's top indie vaudeville act, Wrist!, you can celebrate our National sport with That Football Song.
Recorded & produced in what was once Lambton Lion Park, County Durham by Frankie Gibbon, That Football Song invites everyone to nail their colours to the mast.
Whether you play with jumpers for goalposts or have your name on the football jumpers that make the goalposts this is a celebration of the greatest sport.
And what makes this song different is the half time sequence. When played live at this point the band usually stop and have a few segments of orange, a high isotonic drink and a rub down with a towel whilst the audience can nip off to get a pie and Bovril. But you have to be quick so you don't miss the second half.
And Wrist! knows that when we play football we dream, and when we dream we dream of the quintessential football team -- the 1970 World Cup winners, Brazil.
This, the greatest of teams had the most musical of names. Be honest would it be the same if the players were called Dubbin, Bobbins or Higgenbottom? Wrist! thinks not.
Go on, say it, say it loud -- Jairzinho, Rivelino. Yes, that was that football team and this is That Football Song." ~ Wrist! 2012