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New speed rules
Ninehigh - 13/11/11 at 09:03 PM

Since there's been a few people arguing this recently I thought I'd put out my idea for overhauling the system.

The idea is on the basis that speed on it's own isn't dangerous but rather too much speed in the wrong place and time.

Keep the signs, but these aren't hard limits as such, rather a guide.
On this basis you won't be punished for doing 45 in a 30 zone (for example) however you'd be punished for that speed being dangerous. The "guide" speed will be the benchmark for this and it would be down to a) the officer's discretion and b) your argument.

To expand on the example let's say you were driving at 9am, 3pm, 9pm and 3am.
At 9am it's very dangerous, children getting to school and such. No argument really
At 3pm the same applies
At 3am that same road is going to be devoid of children, traffic and quite possibly everyone but you, Mr Plod and a taxi.
At 9pm, well here's the toss-up. Can you argue that the road would be safe at that time.

I'm sure in Australia there are variable speed limits.. Why not here?

Feel free to expand and comment

tegwin - 15/11/11 at 09:56 AM

This would require common sence and disgression from the police/speed camera crew.... it will never ever happen... common sense is long gone!

Badger_McLetcher - 15/11/11 at 10:03 AM

I see where you're going with that idea mate and I like it. It's just a bit fuzzy, and would be difficult to implement. In a way I reckon they should get rid of the speeding charge altogether- we've got a dangerous driving charge which should cover people using excessive speed and driving like pillocks anyway.

scootz - 15/11/11 at 10:33 AM

*Devils Advocate Mode On*

The present road traffic laws are black and white. No arguing about opinion (we know how they can differ!)... you've either broken a law or you haven't.

Surely this is much easier to adhere to?

Macbeast - 15/11/11 at 10:54 AM

So, according to the police officer's discretion I get let off. You at the same time and same speed on the next day with a different PC get done. How happy are you going to be with that ?

jossey - 15/11/11 at 11:02 AM

ha ha ha.

a guide.

id like to see that be explained in the law courts. he broke a guide speed limit lol

hughpinder - 15/11/11 at 11:41 AM

It means the guys that can afford good lawers can ignore the speed limits. How would the cash machines sorry I meant safety cameras know what speed to do you at?
I wouldn't mind a 'french' style motorway speed limit - 85 in good conditions, but automatically 70 if its raining/icy/busy etc.
Also, the courts would be full to overflowing at enormeous cost with people appealing or trying to sue the police officer who booked them as he "only booked them and not their mate the day before at the same speed" because they're black/white/brown/male/female/short/tall/ugly/disabled/like driving fast/.....


afj - 15/11/11 at 12:31 PM

I work for a recovery company and the general rule is minor bumps 6am to 10pm
10pm to 6am is when we get serious injurys and fatals

MkIndy7 - 15/11/11 at 01:34 PM

The above suggestion could never really work, but I think Scotland has some of the best ideas and appropriate road speeds etc.

When a road speed changes from say a 60-30 going into a village you get markerboards counting down so you can just ease off and roll down to speed rather than be expected to go from 60-30 instantly.

Roads through small villages are NSL most of the time unless the lights are flashing (schools emptying out etc).. So when you see them you respect them.. Rather than than like here where it's quiet people carry on through at 40 or more because they see no reason to slow down.
(one of my mates got done at 3am for doing 50 on a what had been a NSL road he'd used for years that had rescently been reduced to 30 for no apparent reason)

People on the whole tend to drive at what they feel is appropriate so what is needed moreso is Education Just because a sign on a country road says 60 you don't have to drive at that speed and often can't get anywhere near it!.

Ninehigh - 15/11/11 at 06:15 PM

Originally posted by Badger_McLetcher
I see where you're going with that idea mate and I like it. It's just a bit fuzzy, and would be difficult to implement. In a way I reckon they should get rid of the speeding charge altogether- we've got a dangerous driving charge which should cover people using excessive speed and driving like pillocks anyway.

That's it, but it would be a dangerous speed conviction rather than dangerous driving (to differentiate between going a bit too fast and driving whilst shaving, eating a burger and changing your underpants)

TheGiantTribble - 15/11/11 at 07:43 PM

OK so I'm probably going to talk a load of olde Bollax but....

What if (and bare with me on this) The speed limit signs were computerised so they could change automaticlly depending upon time of day, road conditions, trafick alerts,accidents.
So to give a (ok extreme example) example
a school in the middle of nowere, there would be a speed sign both sides of the school some disstance away 500 yards or some such, during school hours it flash's 30 MPH, the hours that people mostly travel to work 8 -9 AM and 4 -6 Pm maybe 40 MPH, middle of the night 70MPH. However if it starts raining it takes say 10% off of the speed limit for that time of day.
Further more if (yeah ok so they never fork out for this system but hay ho) an approaching ambulance/police/fire sends a signal ahead to the trafick signs so it pre warns traffick to get out of the way and slow down.

God am I a Genius or what???

Yay you can all bask in the glory that is Giant Tribbleness

Please don't be answering that

Ninehigh - 17/11/11 at 04:25 PM

Originally posted by TheGiantTribble
OK so I'm probably going to talk a load of olde Bollax but....

What if (and bare with me on this) The speed limit signs were computerised so they could change automaticlly depending upon time of day, road conditions, trafick alerts,accidents.
So to give a (ok extreme example) example
a school in the middle of nowere, there would be a speed sign both sides of the school some disstance away 500 yards or some such, during school hours it flash's 30 MPH, the hours that people mostly travel to work 8 -9 AM and 4 -6 Pm maybe 40 MPH, middle of the night 70MPH. However if it starts raining it takes say 10% off of the speed limit for that time of day.
Further more if (yeah ok so they never fork out for this system but hay ho) an approaching ambulance/police/fire sends a signal ahead to the trafick signs so it pre warns traffick to get out of the way and slow down.

God am I a Genius or what???

Yay you can all bask in the glory that is Giant Tribbleness

Please don't be answering that

Yep that would be amazing, and they could be those ones that only flash when you're doing above that limit so you can't say you see it every day and didn't notice.

Some way to link that in to speed cameras to catch you if you ignore it would be a good cash generator, I mean safety addition

Angel Acevedo - 25/11/11 at 02:07 AM

Easiest would be:
Speed Limit: As is.
No Cameras.
If you are caught, you are punished.
If you are involved in an accident you get stricter punishment.
I was talking to a guy from Finland and he said that you can drive while on a couple of beers, but if you get in an accident, you get the blame, even if itīs not your fault.
Then you rather not drink and drive.
But thatīs just me.
I dream of speeding everywhere, and Iīm yet to get caught..
I think Iīve been VERY LUCKY...