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Ooo NO! Its back!
coozer - 4/6/11 at 12:48 PM

The apathy.. its come round again, had a good last few weeks erecting me shelter but I'm consumed with idleness again... even had a good clear out, looking at stuff and thinking 'bin it' and felt a bit better but apart from the urgent need to get some beer, eat crap all day and watch the cricket I feel a bit let down....


Maybe its in the name... rIDLEy...


Jasper - 4/6/11 at 01:22 PM

Go with it mate, it's all down to your biorhythms, when your body tells you to chill there's no point forcing yourself to do stuff, you'll only mess it up.

There's nothing wrong with occassional or even quite regular idleness

clairetoo - 4/6/11 at 01:27 PM

Yesterday the sun was I cleared out and weighed in a load of scrap (only got £30 , but it all helps) , then got stuck in machining a couple of adapter kits.............
Today it's cloudy , looking like it's gonna chuck it down , and I just cant be bothered.............I need to get these kits finished , and make space for a shed , but it's so nice crashed on the sofa

bi22le - 4/6/11 at 02:08 PM

I may of just come out of my idle period and I kind of regret it.

I have promised and therefore taken on too much at my work, smashed my old kitchen out to do a full refit and the striker needs some work and abusing. I am also going to Glasto and then a further week in Cornwall at the end of the month! Oha nd also considering learning Spanish as I feel I need to do more and be less idle.

I want to have a PM lay in and do nothing for a week end like the good old days, last month!!!!!

Get out, get it done and be proactive!!!


steve m - 4/6/11 at 02:42 PM

Im with the chill out boys and girls, as ive just finished a string of nights, and finished at 0600 this morning
I had a crap sleep this morning, so was unproductive in the garage, so in i came, have a beer, watch the TT, then the cricket, and then the footie later, and more beer

Tomorrow, i will wake with enthusiasm, as it will be 26 days before i go back to work!

mistergrumpy - 4/6/11 at 03:29 PM

Idle too. Finished nights yesterday morning. Had a crap sleep then. Had a crap sleep last night and had an aching back so today I've picked the missus up and she's started having a pop at me so I'm resigned to the couch. Not even got any food in the house but I'll be blown if I'm going battling the BBQ shoppers at Tesco's!

Ninehigh - 4/6/11 at 06:43 PM

Sounds like you need to change your name to Max Power or Action Jackson