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New ASBO, same as the last one
Ninehigh - 13/2/11 at 05:07 AM

Turns out the "government" have come up with an idea to replace the Anti Social Behaviour Order. I can't remember the new name but it appears to be essentially the same thing.

However being a person that lives in the Real World I've come up with something a little better:

Problem with ASBO (and similarly wet replacement) is a "so what" factor. First of all the punishment for terrorising an area is being told not to go there. What's actually keeping that person away? Tom gets banned from High St, and there's only three ways he'd get caught:
1. By doing the same kind of thing that earned him the asbo in the first place, attracting the attention of the police and being caught.
2. Being unfortunate enough to get spotted by the coppers that caught you in the first place (or some other officer who just happens to know)
3. Being grassed up by a local (see point 1)

Solution: Tagging.
Tom gets banned from High St, and therefore has to wear a tag around his ankle (incidentally one that can't be removed)
The tag contains a small GPS reciever, with the banned area programmed in along with an amount of explosive.
Now if Tom decides to breach his asbo conditions he'll easily be spotted, as he's the one rolling around on the edge of High St screaming and minus one foot.

Snuggs - 13/2/11 at 06:01 AM

Sounds good to me but I would suggest that the tag be fitted around the neck.

Ninehigh - 13/2/11 at 06:22 AM

How would they tell their fellow doorknobs that this is a punishment that means business?

Of course being injured through your own stupidity no longer entitles you to disability benefit, and having one foot means they'll no longer be able to continue their scumbaggery, so they'll have to get a proper job. Might I suggest they sit in a shed for 16 hours a night while I get the beers in and then glare at them like they're a f**king goldfish (different rant there but hey ho)

snakebelly - 13/2/11 at 09:48 AM

i think thats a touch harsh, much more humane and fun to fit the tag to his wedding tackle and have it deliver a high voltage shock

Ninehigh - 13/2/11 at 07:09 PM

Originally posted by snakebelly
i think thats a touch harsh, much more humane and fun to fit the tag to his wedding tackle and have it deliver a high voltage shock

There's a risk they'd like that

Simon - 14/2/11 at 05:13 PM

Is what's required.



gottabedone - 14/2/11 at 07:10 PM

^^^^^^^ seems very apt when you read about that girl who got a brick in the face from some scumbag recently!
Unfortunately I think that this government are following the previous in telling us what is good for us without actually asking......I mean, we are in a democracy

.................ASBO's are a rite of passage in some areas and what good is a piece of paper telling you not to throw bricks at policemen or drive a car into a shop window............come on


Confused but excited. - 14/2/11 at 07:23 PM

I'm with Simon on this one.
It's hard to claim you have 'street cred' when everyone is p1ssing themselves laughing at you and hurling rotten veg in your mush.

Ninehigh - 15/2/11 at 08:38 AM

Originally posted by Confused but excited.
I'm with Simon on this one.
It's hard to claim you have 'street cred' when everyone is p1ssing themselves laughing at you and hurling rotten veg in your mush.

Oh this is the punishment for being a drunken **** in the town centres. Well lock them all in a cage until the next afternoon

Simon - 16/2/11 at 02:27 PM

No, lock them in the stocks for a week, irrespective of what time of year, do not let them out for a shite or a pee and show them absolutely no mercy, and let people trow things at them.

I reckon a week in them with their feet covered in poo and pee and with severe joint ache, you'll have creasted some model citizens overnight.

As the meekats say, "Simples!"



whitestu - 16/2/11 at 03:03 PM


Now if Tom decides to breach his asbo conditions he'll easily be spotted, as he's the one rolling around on the edge of High St screaming and minus one foot

I thought you said the tag coudn't be removed!


MikeRJ - 16/2/11 at 10:33 PM

Originally posted by Ninehigh
Solution: Tagging.
Tom gets banned from High St, and therefore has to wear a tag around his ankle (incidentally one that can't be removed)
The tag contains a small GPS reciever, with the banned area programmed in along with an amount of explosive.
Now if Tom decides to breach his asbo conditions he'll easily be spotted, as he's the one rolling around on the edge of High St screaming and minus one foot.

Have you just watched "Wedlock" staring Rutger Hauer?

Ninehigh - 17/2/11 at 10:02 AM

Originally posted by MikeRJ
Originally posted by Ninehigh
Solution: Tagging.
Tom gets banned from High St, and therefore has to wear a tag around his ankle (incidentally one that can't be removed)
The tag contains a small GPS reciever, with the banned area programmed in along with an amount of explosive.
Now if Tom decides to breach his asbo conditions he'll easily be spotted, as he's the one rolling around on the edge of High St screaming and minus one foot.

Have you just watched "Wedlock" staring Rutger Hauer?

No, but if it looks anything like Blade Runner (and not some bizarre romantic comedy like it sounds) then I might well do!

MikeFellows - 17/2/11 at 10:31 AM

gas vans...

drive them round the more undesirable areas, offering free drugs / stolen goods out of the back

get them in the back and gas them

population decreases, burdon of these people on society decreases and crime is reduced too


Ninehigh - 18/2/11 at 04:28 PM

Originally posted by MikeFellows
gas vans...

drive them round the more undesirable areas, offering free drugs / stolen goods out of the back

get them in the back and gas them

population decreases, burdon of these people on society decreases and crime is reduced too


The s**te thing is this would probably work, day after day, in the same area.

And to make it work better occasionally actually give out free drugs

JoelP - 19/2/11 at 08:33 AM

there was a huge flaw in the wedlock film Was still good though.

JoelP - 19/2/11 at 08:36 AM

problem with the asbo isnt the asbo itself, its the soft courts who dont want to punish people if they breach it (should just go down as contempt of court), and wimpy politicians who cant see we need more prision places.

Ninehigh - 19/2/11 at 07:32 PM

To be fair would you want a prison near you?

JoelP - 21/2/11 at 08:49 PM

Originally posted by Ninehigh
To be fair would you want a prison near you?

well, there are a fair few in the area already, ottomh there is armley and wakefield, plus a smaller one up near thorpe arch. Cant see the problem msyelf, its not like they can get out! Unless of course it an open prision.