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End of the special relationship?
BenB - 16/12/10 at 10:09 AM

US government suing BP in relation the gulf of Mexico spill.

So they're going after BP and not Halliburton (company who cemented the well) or Cameron International (who supplied the equipment). Both of which happen to be based in the US. Halliburton is a bit of a monster (strongly associated with ex VP Dick Cheney) and just happened to be given all the oil contracts in "liberated" Iraq.

Interesting eh? Choosing to go after the UK company that "owns" the rig but no the US companies that screwed up.......

David Jenkins - 16/12/10 at 10:30 AM

BP is a global company - they'll hurt more US investors than UK ones.

The news report says "BP and other companies involved" so Haliburton is also likely to get hit - there'll be a row if they don't. Mind you - major shareholders of Haliburton include George W Bush and Condoleeza Rice, so who knows...

pewe - 16/12/10 at 12:00 PM

American friend was moaning about the drop in BP's share price affecting his pension fund even when the spill was happening.
As above ^ it'll hit Americans as badly as anyone-else.

Talking about the "Special Relationship" is it my imagination or is the Wikileaks guy being held despite bail being allowed?
Latest reports suggest it's our CPS who are keeping him in solitary for cris-sake (what is he some kind of pervert who's a
threat to other prisoners and society in general?).
Now I wonder who's pulling the strings on that one????

And whilst I'm having a rant - what's with the murderer who's been banged up but is suing Royal Mail for unfair dismissal?

The world's going mad I tell you!
Cynically, Pewe