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WARNING - Nokia phone chargers
pewe - 15/11/09 at 03:14 PM

Son and partner had a very lucky escape last night when a small fire destroyed part of their bedroom. It was only the quick response of the Fire-brigade (fortunately they live about 250mtrs from Reading's Caversham Road station - well done to those lads) which prevented it destroying their house. As it was it smoke damaged the whole first floor!
Having put the blaze out and looking for possible cause the firemen asked if a Nokia phone charger had been left plugged in - which it had been. No phone was attached at the time so it was effectively on stand-by.
So anyone with a Nokia phone - or who knows anyone with one for goodness sake spread the word to unplug them and also not leave them on and charging unattended.
Also if anyone knows of similar incidents I'd be pleased to hear about them.
Also anyone know of a Nokia Product Recall or Safety Warning?
Cheers, Pewe

ChrisR V V yep, sounds a bit familiar - typical PR damage limitation exercise - admit the fault but gloss over the consequences.
If Royal Berks Fire Brigade know about it then the manufacturer must be aware of the seriousness don't you think?

[Edited on 15/11/09 by pewe]

chris.russell - 15/11/09 at 03:39 PM

any help?
bbc link

MikeR - 15/11/09 at 04:27 PM

had heard about the recall but hadn't got round to checking mine ....

guess what i'm just about to do!

Glad to hear your safe and thanks (indirectly) for the kick up the backside.

McLannahan - 15/11/09 at 05:07 PM

Just checked mine...

And mine's fine...

pewe - 15/11/09 at 08:27 PM

The more I look at this the more it sucks.
Do you think my son will be offered a replacement bedroom etc. if he sends the remains of his back?
I think not and heaven forebid anyone loses their life in a similar situation.
Nokia's PR consultants must have really had a mega brainstorming session to come up with "the covers come off" excuse. As far as I'm aware all phone chargers are sealed-for-life units.
Cheers, Pewe

scootz - 15/11/09 at 11:17 PM

This doesn't just relate to Nokia's... there's a fire risk attached to any charger left powering-up, but not connected...

Glad to hear you're all safe!

Rek - 16/11/09 at 07:38 AM

I have an N97 which came with a small adapter to let you use the earlier chargers... Mine melted!! when I looked it up there's a known issue....

MikeRJ - 16/11/09 at 06:38 PM

The Nokia recall does not affect any chargers with the UK style 3 pin plug.