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focijohn - 11/10/09 at 05:02 PM

Right. I sent a cheque all signed named and dated to a chap up in Newcastle for an exhast off another forum.
Sent it off last Wednesday, special delivery (£4.95) worth of it. Hadn't heard from the guy so I emailed him today. Not recieved anything...checked online its been signed for and sent him the picture of the signature.
Thing is I dont know who to "blame". I.E. do i complane to RM but i can hardly do that as there is a signature for it. Is there any possablility of the postie sending it next door? I would hope not as this would defeate the objective of sending it special delivery. If they have done this would they disclose to me which address they have left it with. Looks like a trip to the bank tomorrow.

focijohn - 11/10/09 at 05:46 PM

please excuse the spelling.

Mr Whippy - 12/10/09 at 10:22 AM

is the signature anything like his name?

smart51 - 12/10/09 at 11:24 AM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy
is the signature anything like his name?

You mean like, second name Pat, first name Postman? Not that they'd even think of forging a signature, of course!

focijohn - 12/10/09 at 05:24 PM

to me it looks a bit like his name but that could be me wanting things. Ill contact him again and make sure he see's the signature to make sure but i can only take his word for it.
Ive contacted RM and they were very helpful after i had shouted for 5 minutes at the stupid automated crappy thing, but i suppose only time will tell.

Ninehigh - 12/10/09 at 07:33 PM

Cancel the cheque, now