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Two nations divided by a common language...
David Jenkins - 10/10/09 at 08:47 PM

(Apparently, in baseball, it means throwing the ball back and forth before a game, for catching practice... )

RK - 11/10/09 at 03:10 AM

actually it means catching balls hit by bats, not thrown ones.

rusty nuts - 11/10/09 at 07:55 AM

Originally posted by RK
actually it means catching balls hit by bats, not thrown ones.

Not over here it doesn't!

David Jenkins - 11/10/09 at 10:01 AM

RK - I don't know if you're aware that in the UK "sh*gg*ng" is a slang term for... er... "horizontal jogging".

[Edited on 11/10/09 by David Jenkins]

RK - 11/10/09 at 02:09 PM

Yes, I am aware of that. Sort of is here too, but not seen as being quite so rude as over there. The US version actually means catching the balls in the air, as it were.

There's a whole book on these sorts of differences. Ex. Englishman says: Lord Smith was my fag at Eton. American replies: You British certainly are frank!, by Moss, Norman, "What's the Difference?", Hutchinson and Co., 1973.

We're kind of in the middle here in Canada, but since I grew up in Victoria, I was surrounded by Brits, family and otherwise. You're all becoming American anyways, though, just like the rest of us. The Americans put a lot of effort into turning the world into people just like them.

David Jenkins - 11/10/09 at 06:03 PM

My comment was tongue-in-cheek - or just cheeky!

I've worked with a few Canadians - Eh! At first glance they could be mistaken for Americans...until they start to show their European-style outlook on life. I found them closer to Aussies or New Zealanders than Americans.

RK - 12/10/09 at 12:42 PM

Two rules when dealing with Americans: don't talk religion or guns. Apart from that they're OK, until you meet that unbelievably rude and arrogant border guy when you go across.

We understand both sides of the Atlantic, but are not really in either camp. We have our own identity, even though we don't always know it. Now, I have to get off the chesterfield and get back into the garage.

Ninehigh - 12/10/09 at 07:31 PM

Originally posted by RK
You're all becoming American anyways, though, just like the rest of us. The Americans put a lot of effort into turning the world into people just like them.

I bloody hate it, anyone talks american at me I just look at them like it's chinese. The only one they got right is aluminum, apparently an extra I was put in by the Brits.

Mind you everyone knows it's pronounced "tin"