I came across this picture on the web which I haven't seen before.
We don't tend to see actual landings happening on Mars but this one was actually captured from orbit, you can see a blown up view of the probe
hanging from its parachute descending into that rather large crater in the left bottom of the picture. I just like this
Link not working... broken picture symbol.
Originally posted by David Jenkins
Link not working...
try this
Rescued attachment mars_descent.jpg
have you not seen the film transformers, there amoung us i tell you!
That's a fair sized dent in the ground, has speedyxjs landed his locost on mars?
Blimey, that left a hell of an impact crater for such a small ship
Originally posted by MikeRJ
That's a fair sized dent in the ground, has speedyxjs landed his locost on mars?
It's art that, an intergalactic representation of the Hole that is Warrington
All Mars landings are faked - filmed on the set used for Total Recall. That zoomed image is just a jellyfish photoshopped on. The Van-Damme belts
make it impossible for anything to get there.
Originally posted by Liam
All Mars landings are faked - filmed on the set used for Total Recall. That zoomed image is just a jellyfish photoshopped on. The Van-Damme belts make it impossible for anything to get there.
Originally posted by omega0684
have you not seen the film transformers, there amoung us i tell you!