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Night Vision Goggles
m8kwr - 27/8/09 at 07:46 AM

If someone had Night Vision Goggles what would be the first thing you would do with them...???

I have just acquired Yukon Tracker Nvg 1x24 Night Vision Goggles - unsure why, but got them at a very good price, and the kid inside of me jumped at it.

Just got to hope her in doors doesn't see them...

MikeR - 27/8/09 at 07:52 AM

go out at night with them.

stay in at night with them.

errm..... use them?

(ok, i admit it, i'm a big kid as well. I'd love some. A conversation a few months ago ended up with the conclusion if you don't lust after a set of night vision goggles you're not a real man).

tomprescott - 27/8/09 at 09:22 AM

Buy an air rifle and make some money by helping farmers get rid of rabbits, then make some more money by selling rabbit pies (and lucky rabbit feet).

Actually, knowing my luck, it would probably be drop them and put the broken goggles on the shelf next to my shattered dreams

carpmart - 27/8/09 at 09:23 AM

My vote would be to get in a really dark room and put them on.

My next vote would be as above then switch on a very bright light in the dark room and see what happens!

omega0684 - 27/8/09 at 10:34 AM

i have always wanted a pair of night vision goggles, never known why, they just seems like you could have loads of fun with them, especially when playing jokes on people in the dark whilst out camping etc,

you could always try and recreate the scene at the end of silence of the lambs!

Mr Whippy - 27/8/09 at 11:41 AM

Originally posted by carpmart
My vote would be to get in a really dark room and put them on.

My next vote would be as above then switch on a very bright light in the dark room and see what happens!

what happens if you stare at the sun with them?

m8kwr - 27/8/09 at 11:44 AM

I think i will use them later to sneak out to the garage without the other half knowing what i am doing.

I do not even need to turn the garage lights on.

I do not fancy welding in them though!!!

Noid - 27/8/09 at 01:51 PM

As mentioned above, I'd take them shooting with me.

We use a night vision monocle for spotting, and a laser for the shooter to see where to shoot.

Ninehigh - 28/8/09 at 12:26 AM

Go out in the car, get on an unlit road and switch the headlights off. You get a point for every person that fills their pants when they don't notice you until you're on top of them (though not literally of course!)

m8kwr - 28/8/09 at 06:41 AM

they are superb.... everyone has got to have a pair.

If i ever have a power cut, i can still work on the car

mistergrumpy - 28/8/09 at 10:04 AM

What would I do? Lookng at Ebay I'd probably sell them for a profit (depending on how much you paid) yikes!

m8kwr - 28/8/09 at 10:15 AM

I paid £50 for them..... and leatherman charge tti for £25.. one of my mates won the gadget show prices.. (lucky B$%&*"£$$), and just wanted rid of them.

It is one of those purchases that you could sell for a high profit, but would you ever pay full price for the item.

You never know i may need them one day!!!!

02GF74 - 28/8/09 at 06:57 PM

surely the locoster way is to eat more carrots?

Ninehigh - 28/8/09 at 06:58 PM

Originally posted by 02GF74
surely the locoster way is to eat more carrots?

Except all that will do is turn you orange! NOT eating carrots will cause a vitamin deficiency that stops you seeing in the dark but more carrots won't help