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virgin effing media...
02GF74 - 7/5/09 at 08:07 AM

.... keep sending me advertising mail despit me returing them each time with a comment staqting I am not interested and remove me off the mailing list.

it is not pi&&ing me off big time.

is there an official body to which I can lodge a complaint?


Jasper - 7/5/09 at 08:28 AM

Yes, Data Protection people, threaten Virgin with them, they'll soon stop.

tegwin - 7/5/09 at 09:53 AM

You need to formally write to their customer services team politley requesting to stop recieving further corespondences from them.

Once you have withdrawn your concent it is then illeagal for them to mail anyhting to you!

Ninehigh - 9/5/09 at 11:02 PM

Is there a reply envolope? If so they give some of their s**t, give them some of yours!