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dunno about you .....
02GF74 - 4/2/09 at 08:51 AM

.... but I am bricking it.

got dental appointment this afternoon to yank out a back tooth


[Edited on 4/2/09 by 02GF74]

Mr Whippy - 4/2/09 at 09:10 AM

ooooohhh boy are you in for it!

I tried to get a back tooth removed but the dentist gave up trying to kill me! seriously I'm no wimp but bl$$dy hell! that hurt turns out the damn things got huge roots (curved ones too) and to get it taken out I'd have to go to hospital! so instead have opted for root canal treatment which isn't much fun either , had 3 very sore appointments and he's promised the next will be the last to fix the tooth (got a temp filling in now), I'll be sooooooooo glad when this is all over...

teeth are a sh%t design!

Costing me £500 too!! 500 quid to be tortured what’s the world coming to??!?! I think he should pay me £50 every time it hurts, that'll make him be more carefully.

p.s but don't let that put you off...I'm sure you won't feel a thing It'll be like - 'Finished!', 'what? didn't know you'd even started!!'

[Edited on 4/2/09 by Mr Whippy]

dogwood - 4/2/09 at 09:16 AM

I doooo feel sorry for you....
Thats going to hurt like hell....

Glad it's you going and not me.
You'll be in pain for days...


Mr Whippy - 4/2/09 at 09:25 AM

I think he's fainted...

carpmart - 4/2/09 at 09:27 AM

I won't tell you my horror stories as they disturb me just thinking about them!

Mr Whippy - 4/2/09 at 09:28 AM

iank - 4/2/09 at 09:59 AM

My mum had a wisdom tooth out when she was young, turned out the root was a hook shape and he couldn't get it out.
60mins of tugging and pulling and he gave up and sent her to the hospital where they broke it into bits.

Does that help at all?

Mr Whippy - 4/2/09 at 10:06 AM

Originally posted by iank
My mum had a wisdom tooth out when she was young, turned out the root was a hook shape and he couldn't get it out.
60mins of tugging and pulling and he gave up and sent her to the hospital where they broke it into bits.

Does that help at all?

yeah my dad was the same

seems I have inherited his dodgy curved roots too

David Jenkins - 4/2/09 at 10:12 AM

Going to the hospital is often a better option - a previous crappy dentist took out a back tooth and left a root behind - and didn't tell me (he must have known).
My current dentist saw it on the x-ray, and didn't even attempt to do it himself - he just booked me a hospital appointment.

When I got there, the dental surgeon said "this is either going to be an easy 5 minutes, or a tough half-hour"

Fortunately, it was the easy 5 minutes...

02GF74 - 4/2/09 at 11:12 AM

ooooooh just under 4 hours to go....

not wisdom, had one out when little then dentist discovered one was impacted (lying on its side) - had that one out with the 2 others under general in hossy.

reckon they are gonna need strps to hold me in that chair .....

smart51 - 4/2/09 at 12:07 PM

Top wisdom teeth are easy. No problem. The bottom ones can be a problem if the root is hooked or if it is near the nerve. It is also tricky as it is in the hook of the jaw. You should have had an X-ray done to confirm the root.

Other rear teeth are easy. Don't worry.

Mr Whippy - 4/2/09 at 12:38 PM

Originally posted by 02GF74
ooooooh just under 4 hours to go....

not wisdom, had one out when little then dentist discovered one was impacted (lying on its side) - had that one out with the 2 others under general in hossy.

reckon they are gonna need strps to hold me in that chair .....

hmm sounds like the best plan would be to just get totally wasted, drink a whole bottle of scotch and then you won't give a sh$t what they do to you

[Edited on 4/2/09 by Mr Whippy]

mistergrumpy - 4/2/09 at 04:39 PM

I had a top back wisdom taken out 4 maonths ago. He started and then bricked himself when it wouldn't come free I think saying that he usually sends these to hospital and there was a lot of blood. Too late by then though so I encouraged hime to crack on and pull harder whilst I had to turn my head at the same time, a kind of joint effort and it finally came free. Like others the roots were huge and curling outwards, he actually washhed it and kept it.
I got home and sat on the drive taking it easy cleaning my carburettors. The anaesthetic began to wear off so I took some brufen. 10 minutes later I stood up and dropped to my knees then onto all fours and crawled into the house ready to pass out. I made it to the bathroom and lay with my legs up the wall. I think he'd hammered it so much that I started to go into some kind of delayed shock or something. Anyways, 4 months later and I still have the cavity in my gum!

Simon - 5/2/09 at 12:09 AM

Had all my wisdom teeth out when I was twenty. Both lowers were awkward with lower right worst.

Dentist gave me 6 injections and I could still feel it, so he drilled hole through tooth, injected straight into nerve.

Didn't feel a thing



liam.mccaffrey - 5/2/09 at 12:15 AM

Nasty business teeth, I had intrathecal (spinal column) chemotherapy yesterday, not too bad but the doc speared the nerve for the left side of my lower body, it was excrutiating and I howled like a child for about 10 secons

Mr Whippy - 5/2/09 at 08:52 AM

Originally posted by liam.mccaffrey
Nasty business teeth, I had intrathecal (spinal column) chemotherapy yesterday, not too bad but the doc speared the nerve for the left side of my lower body, it was excrutiating and I howled like a child for about 10 secons

god are you so going to be glad when this is all over. Missys mum has just finished her chemo and is recovering very quickly now, hopefully you'll be the same.

02GF74 - 5/2/09 at 09:24 AM

well, the dentist could see I was not in a good state and did offer to cancel appointment (no charge, private!) so I could come back later but I could not see what would change then, said so, and told him to get on with it.

The process it self is not too bad, one push from one side, one from another, grab with forceps, one push and nothing as it was out.

I think it was more of a mental thing, the thought of loosing the tooth that I'll never have again affected more than the physical process. And no, I didn't cry but you know how dusty these surgeries are.

Anyways it is done until the next time.

Peteff - 5/2/09 at 10:44 AM

Tell him you'll leave your head there and call back for it next time

Vindi_andy - 6/2/09 at 03:24 PM

Had both my upper wisdoms out and the dentist surgery they had managed to push through the gum but were squashing the other teeth forward and had caused a problem with the gum.

2 seperate visits so i was able to eat on other side so food wouldnt get into gum 3 injection, grip with pliers, push into the gum twist and out, bit of blood nothing major and Ibuprofen for 2 days, sorted

Although 1 of the three roots broke on one of them but no major biggee

Ninehigh - 7/2/09 at 04:16 PM

They're knocking me out next time, no argument. I nearly fainted when I saw the size of the needle and the pliers and nearly threw up when I heard the crunch as he tried to grip a back tooth that was rotten to the root. Bastard wouldn't even show me what he pulled out...

To top it off it took me 9 hours to get home because some clever sod decided to close the town centre to cars (not people though) cos the wind was blowing tiles off the roofs. Added to that all the main routes north and south were closed so the entire M6, Warrington and runcorn traffic, and the M60 were "parked" in Warrington. That was about as much trauma as the extraction and I still can't sit in a traffic jam.

If they won't knock me out I'll do it myself I nearly barfed from the memory.