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Beyond Comprehension
mistergrumpy - 19/1/09 at 05:43 PM

3 get jailed for girls rape then pour caustic soda on her to try and clear the DNA evidence here
Now I consider myself to be quite open minded and able to understand peoples actions. I've got quite a broad experience of life for my age but cases like this, I just cannot comprehend.
We live in a sexually liberated country and time so if these lads wanted sex they could have picked it up easily in some bar or other or gone to see a prostitute for not much money at all so why they have decided to pick on a mentally ill girl and rape her I can't understand.
And then to pour caustic soda on her body and genitals to try and "burn" the evidence off her, WTF What is going through their heads? How can someone honestly think that they would get away with that?
And the final kick in the teeth, they got 9 years, six years and six years! So that's 4 1/2, 3 and 3 years in real life!! Was the judge on the same drugs that these idiots were at the time of sentencing?
Really pi55ed me off reading that I'm not one for capital punishment but I would be inclined to brand these idiots in the same way that they have ruined this girls life, forever

JoelP - 19/1/09 at 06:05 PM

really needs a whole life stretch for that, clearly they are not right in the head, and certainly too dangerous to release.

If we feel like burning them, how much more must her family feel?

clairetoo - 19/1/09 at 07:06 PM


Detective Constable Alex Newton said it was the biggest rape case Haringey police have ever dealt with, and that lack of co-operation by the community made it extremely difficult to investigate.

A sad commentary on the society we live in

omega 24 v6 - 19/1/09 at 10:53 PM

An absolute disgusting case and I'm with you I cannot understand the leniency with them.

Clairetoo has unfortuneatly struck the nail on the head though


A sad commentary on the society we live in

Not just for the case but also for the "it's not my business I don't want to get involved brigade"

handyandy - 20/1/09 at 12:19 AM

OMG what is this world becoming?
this is horrid, the intial crime of rape is horrendous, can,t imagine what that must do to a woman/female, but this girl in reality ( her mental age of 8) was just a child & then to try & destroy dna evidence in that way is beyond human , its barbaric!
i have a daughter & if someone did this to her i would kill these scum with my bare hands then turn myself in with my head held high.
sorry this makes me so angry.

Shadowcaster - 20/1/09 at 10:02 AM

Maybe it's time to let the victims/victams family decide the punishment.

flak monkey - 20/1/09 at 11:07 AM

It's rediculous.

The legal system needs some serious reformation. And its about time the judges started handing out tougher sentences.

There's pressure on prison space, but thats not a legit excuse.

David Jenkins - 20/1/09 at 10:34 PM

Looks like the Attorney General has called for a sentencing review:


martyn_16v - 21/1/09 at 03:56 PM

On the plus side, if anyone in jail works out who they are they're going to get properly f*cked up

cd.thomson - 21/1/09 at 04:18 PM

ah these guys have been on 4chan recently, I was wondering what they had done.

An act that is indicative of being a true psychopath should lead to life imprisonment. This isnt something thats going to just go away, there will be no "reform".

To do that to a woman implies severe mental difficulties that are incorrectable and shouldnt be allowed in society.

mr henderson - 21/1/09 at 04:26 PM

The problem with increasing the severity of the sentence is that it increases the likelihood of the victim being killed on a jsut in case basis.

I agree that the crime was awful, and that the perpertrators should be found in their cells having 'commited suicide'
