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mistergrumpy - 29/12/08 at 11:22 AM

Right, I can't contain it much longer.
Just spoke to VOSA and then to my local office. I sent my application off in the first week of December asking for any date any time up until January 4th because I've managed to wangle a month or so off work whilst I change job.
Got it back asking for photos and receipts which were despatched within 2 days because there was no collection on a Sunday.
I've heard nowt back so rang today. Apparently VOSA have allocated a date but not told my local station, queue quick search. "Oh yes mistergrumpy, your date is 5th January!"

What? Eh? What bit about any time up till 4th January did you not get? You've done that on sodding purpose to wind me up haven't you. I can't have another week day off until April. I'll need a weekend then.

"We don't do weekends!"

Oh come on!

Well, yes we do do them but not too often.

Right book me one quick and how much more?

It's around £82 more and the only ones we have are 10th and 24th January.

I'm at the Autosport show 10th January so I'll have to have the 24th then.

Righto, when you get your letter saying 5th January, ring VOSA up, who'll then put you through to us at Chadderton office and explain your story again and we'll see what we can do.

Can you not just sort it now so that I know I have 24th January?

Oohh no, you have to go through VOSA.

Grr, I can see where this is going. Oh no mistergrumpy arse, 24th is now full!

mistergrumpy - 30/12/08 at 12:35 PM

Change of plan. Got my letter this morning so rang them up again and they've given me Friday 2nd January. Don't know why they didn't do that in the first place.
I'm bobbing myself now. Buzzing around like a blue arsed fly but not sure what to do

adithorp - 30/12/08 at 02:06 PM

Have you much left to do?


carpmart - 30/12/08 at 02:30 PM

As per Adrians post, get orgainsed!

Write a list of the outstanding jobs (right down to fuel and little bits to take with you like clips, fuses and other odds and sods) and start ticking things off. Do some of the harder jobs first, don't leave them to the end. That way, if things don't go 100% to plan, you have a fall back position!

Good luck!

mistergrumpy - 30/12/08 at 03:14 PM

Nah not too much to do. Wrote a list that's 17 items long. Mainly bits of trim and clip the odd wire. I think the biggest thing is to patch weld a small hole on one of the centre tunnel pieces where I pulled the handbrake mount off. No big deal but I don't want it there looking rubbish.
Picking up a trailer tomorrow from Leyland. Because they're shut New Years Day I get to keep it until half 5 on the 2nd for £33 and I've borrowed a towing car so that's a good start.
Still cacking it though mainly because I made the chassis myself. I've decided I don't much like MIG welding. I learnt originally with oxy acetylene on lead and it gives a nicer finish. Think I might buy a DC Tig next, can't justify the costs of an AC/DC one.

adithorp - 1/1/09 at 07:00 PM

I hope you've got that down to zero by now. Good luck tommorrow!


bigrich - 1/1/09 at 09:27 PM

yeah, good luck Mr grumpy