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The hole................
clairetoo - 9/12/08 at 09:06 PM

Two guys are walking through a field and they find a big hole in the middle of it. "How deep do you recon it is" one of them says. "God knows" his mate says, "Chuck a stone down it and we will listen for how long it takes to hit the bottom". So he chucks a stone down and there is no sound! Looking perplexed he picks up a big rock and lobs it down the hole.....ears pricked they still hear nothing. Confused he decides to chuck this huge bit of wood down the hole, and as they are listening for the bang his mate pushes him out the way and says "Watch it!!!" as a goat goes running past them and dives down the hole!!! Still not hearing anything they just shrug their shoulders and walk off. As they are crossing the field they see a farmer looking worried. "Have either of you seen my goat?" asks the farmer. "Well we just seen one run down that big hole over there mate" replies one of the guys. "Nah, cant be mine" says the farmer "I tied mine to a railway sleeper"

Simon - 10/12/08 at 01:37 AM



Mr Whippy - 10/12/08 at 07:37 AM