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water cooling
coozer - 27/8/06 at 09:02 PM

my pc keeps reminding me its going over 80 degrees! I need some water cooling.

Anyone know a cheap route to water cooling? all the kits i've seen are mega expensive

RichardK - 27/8/06 at 09:09 PM

If it used to be alright and has just started doing this I would replace the processor fan with a like for like replacement but a better quality.

If this is a new build, check that the thermal grease is evenly covering the cpu and heatsink, (you should be able to get this from most pc shops for about a quid) and also ensure the fan is working properly and see if the mainboard has any utility that can increase the fan speed.

Hope this helps



UncleFista - 27/8/06 at 09:09 PM

Just take yer cooler off and blow it out with an airline, watercooling on the cheap is possible, but a bit overkill ?

MattCraneCustoms - 27/8/06 at 09:29 PM

Hi there. Im running watercooling. Cost about 250 to do, but I did it in a new PC built from scratch. temp. usually around 25 degrees usually. Check this baby!! Rescued attachment DSCF1906.JPG
Rescued attachment DSCF1906.JPG

Confused but excited. - 27/8/06 at 10:06 PM

This is the Locost Builders Forum.
Build a water cooling system.
Aquarium pump.......

rjbrookes - 27/8/06 at 10:08 PM

try this

miserableoldgit - 27/8/06 at 10:34 PM


I use this on 2 PC's and they keep the temp down to 50 degC no problem. I wouldn't pay more than £40 bnib though, less for 2nd hand

JackNco - 17/9/06 at 12:55 AM

Depends what sysem you are using but watercooling is still only raly needed for over clockers.

If you want a cheap way of doing it its possible to fill seal up a computer case and fill it with vegetable oil...

It works and its cheap.... toms hardware did it


Peteff - 17/9/06 at 08:34 AM

You can build a car for that ! Clean the case out, get rid of the dust in the cooler and make sure there is a decent case fan fitted. I scrape the gunk off the cpu & cooler base and use a blob of Arctic Silver on there, it transmits the heat better.