posted on 7/9/12 at 05:50 PM |
Does this look like a safe lift
Lashed this up to lift the bike engine out of the car, nothing else, so 65kg. what do you guys think just a bit rough or going to end in tears/a
and e?
posted on 7/9/12 at 06:01 PM |
Fine until the lifting arm swings off-centre and the whole lot folds.....
posted on 7/9/12 at 06:04 PM |
that can be easily locked good idea
posted on 7/9/12 at 06:14 PM |
honestly don't like the look of that one little bit.
[Edited on 7/9/2012 by ashg]
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steve m
posted on 7/9/12 at 06:24 PM |
before you push "the button, dial 999"
as it will all start to come down on your head!
and at least they will be on there way!
65kgs, is a few bags of suger, ive just lifted my 1600 xflow lump onto the bench. must be a lot more than that!
posted on 7/9/12 at 06:43 PM |
naah, i don't think its more than a cross flow, it's much lighter than a pinto, it's about 20kg less than me, i can lift and
carry it myself, just not when strecthing over the car
posted on 7/9/12 at 07:15 PM |
Looks fine to me, maybee worth putting a couple of sky hooks on it. lol
steve m
posted on 7/9/12 at 07:23 PM |
"Looks fine to me, maybee worth putting a couple of sky hooks on it. lol "
i was going to say that, and thought, naaa, no one would get it !!
posted on 7/9/12 at 07:26 PM |
You wouldn't have asked unless you are doubting it. I think you have answered your own question.
Is the property yours? Will anyone else but you get hurt if it gives? Looks like a house of cards to me.
[Edited on 7/9/12 by Dangle_kt]
posted on 7/9/12 at 07:38 PM |
After a closer look it could be the screws into the end grain of that bit of 6x3 ish fixing the angle brackets that could be your weak link. Get a
couple of wall plate ties about 1000mm long each bend to 90 and fix those two bits of timber together a bit better, strap it up like.
posted on 7/9/12 at 07:55 PM |
main bolts are m10 holding the 6*3 to the roof, i'm not worried about the roof, the little angles up the top are intended to stop it trying to
move sideways. the horizontal is braced to the wall, and the small angles there are just to hold it in position. the 2 pivots for the lifting beam
are 8mm bolts right through. it'll be lifted in that position, not moved over the beam, the beam won't be swung anywere, i'm going
to actualy lock the beam so it can't twist
posted on 7/9/12 at 08:13 PM |
I’m hearing you loud and clear now. “Only one way to find out Pritchard” the danger men!!!!!!!!!
posted on 7/9/12 at 08:28 PM |
If you can swing on the end of it and jump up and down with minimal movement it might be ok, but I have to say it doesn't look terribly strong.
What size is that roof joist it's all tied into? Looks rather slim for the length for putting any major load in the middle, but might just be
the photo exaggerating things.
posted on 7/9/12 at 08:48 PM |
I wouldn't be too worried about the roof beam - they have to withstand the weight of a whole heap of snow or a couple of people on the roof for
repairs. Joists are specced for a maximum deflection under load, but overloading them (within reason) just makes them deflect further, there is a
*LOT* of spare capacity in most joists..
posted on 7/9/12 at 09:22 PM |
Nope imho
If you happen to get a 'swing on' when lifting it could quite possibly all end in tears 
posted on 7/9/12 at 09:38 PM |
airfix engine ok
Staple balls
posted on 7/9/12 at 09:48 PM |
Try it. but you'll want one of these.
Seriously though it's a bike engine, just lift it, no need for a hoist IMO. can shift a pinto as far as you like with 2 blokes.
posted on 7/9/12 at 09:48 PM |
Design is all wrong.
You have bolted through the joist so you have not used the full thickness of the beam it could split where the bolts go through.
Also these bolt go through the down piece with the grain so this could also split along its grain and drop.
I would have used joist hangers between the two roof joist's and put a beam across then bolted the lift onto this.
Btw joist hangers should go up and over the joist, then nail or bolted into the joist on the opposite side of the beam to use the full thickness of
the beam.
Just my opinion.
posted on 7/9/12 at 09:51 PM |
But we are talking about a bike engine! The hoist and beam probably weigh more than the engine. I'd be happy swinging 65kg off what you have.
Just keep an eye on it!!
posted on 7/9/12 at 09:59 PM |
i think you could only lift about 50 kg before the timber its attached to gives way .. as its only got 4 screws lol
posted on 7/9/12 at 10:06 PM |
quote: Originally posted by sky12042
Design is all wrong.
You have bolted through the joist so you have not used the full thickness of the beam it could split where the bolts go through.
Also these bolt go through the down piece with the grain so this could also split along its grain and drop.
I would have used joist hangers between the two roof joist's and put a beam across then bolted the lift onto this.
Btw joist hangers should go up and over the joist, then nail or bolted into the joist on the opposite side of the beam to use the full thickness of
the beam.
Just my opinion.
Just my opinion, but cant see any joists only perlins. This looks well strong and only lifting a pocket rocket engine so go for it. Designed for
posted on 7/9/12 at 10:57 PM |
Gone to a lot of time and trouble and expense for what should be a basic lifting job- what is wrong with getting a mate round and strapping engine/
cradle etc to the plank as close as posible then just liftingit up and out we changed lots of engines like that when I was a lad- Vauxhall, Viva,
Hillman Hunter. Reliant Robin....
Come to think of it I do get a few twinges in my back now and again
Good luck.
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posted on 8/9/12 at 07:40 AM |
That looks destined to fail in any number of ways, can't you build a couple of pillars either side or knock a couple of bricks out and put an
RSJ across ?
yours, Pete
I went into the RSPCA office the other day. It was so small you could hardly swing a cat in there.
posted on 8/9/12 at 08:19 AM |
Or try this

posted on 8/9/12 at 12:21 PM |
If you doubt it's strength, just hang off it first. If it doesn't wobble too much and holds, carry on. If not, it's a bike engine:
just pick it up you girl. I did my blackbird engine swap on my own, and that's quite big for a bike engine.
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