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Vegan Welding Gloves
millenniumtree - 1/11/06 at 05:19 PM

Problem: Welding gloves are almost invariably made of leather

Reason this is a problem: I'm vegan - like, really seriously vegan. My shoes are plastic or canvas, my coat is synthetic, my work gloves are synthetic, etc, etc.

Solution: Non-leather welding gloves!! Yes I found them!! Turns out they're from a supplier right here in my home town! SCHWEET!!

Vegan Welding Gloves

BTW, my veganity stops where my nose begins - my wife eats meat and probably always will, and I'm OK with that. I'm not preachy.

graememk - 1/11/06 at 05:21 PM


my wife eats meat and probably always will, and I'm OK with that

am i reading it wrong or is my mind twisted ?

Confused but excited. - 1/11/06 at 05:22 PM

Vegan Welding Gloves

I'm not a vegan or a vegatarian, but I can't understand, why the f*ck would anyone want to eat them in the first place!

[Edited on 1/11/06 by Confused but excited.]

Kissy - 1/11/06 at 05:23 PM

You're twisted, as am I.

ecosse - 1/11/06 at 05:24 PM

Originally posted by graememk

my wife eats meat and probably always will, and I'm OK with that

am i reading it wrong or is my mind twisted ?




Kissy - 1/11/06 at 05:27 PM

Being Vegan isn't just about what you eat. It's a case of not using anything that is animal derived - period.

balidey - 1/11/06 at 05:27 PM

Get the wife to do your welding for you

lexi - 1/11/06 at 05:42 PM

Originally posted by millenniumtree
Problem: Welding gloves are almost invariably made of leather

Reason this is a problem: I'm vegan - like, really seriously vegan. My shoes are plastic or canvas, my coat is synthetic, my work gloves are synthetic, etc, etc.

Solution: Non-leather welding gloves!! Yes I found them!! Turns out they're from a supplier right here in my home town! SCHWEET!!

Vegan Welding Gloves

BTW, my veganity stops where my nose begins - my wife eats meat and probably always will, and I'm OK with that. I'm not preachy.

Brilliant! You`ll make a better feed than Ernie Wise with that post my friend.

[Edited on 1/11/06 by lexi]

JackNco - 1/11/06 at 05:50 PM

lol ya a friend of mine is vegan...... originally she is referred to as Vegan rather than Elaine, as it seems to rule her life.

Seen vegan shoes?

Mr G - 1/11/06 at 06:19 PM

millenniumtree - 1/11/06 at 06:19 PM

All my shoes are vegan, but none of them were marketed as such - they just happen to be.

I have canvas shoes primarily but also have some 100% man made (plastic) work shoes and boots.

The innuendo about my wife was unintended, but hilarious now that I look at it again.

You know, in case you're ever locked in your garage and need to eat something, it's good to know your welding gloves are not made of skin.

But seriously, I don't even wear things made of wool. I'm not an activist though.

I will control my own existence as much as I am able, but I do not wish to control the world.

Catpuss - 1/11/06 at 06:49 PM

I supprised wool is not OK even f its ethically produced.

Probably what you want to look for is something like kevlar gloves & fire suit stuffs.

On an episode of BIG on discovery they made the world's biggest barbeque. One thing they did was a tour of a company that made fire proof clothing. In this place they even tried holding a soldering iron by its tip.

These or something like them may do the job (didn't check to see if they are fully leather ,i.e. trims, sorry)

Hea t Proof Gloves

JackNco - 1/11/06 at 08:25 PM


I will control my own existence as much as I am able, but I do not wish to control the world.

Thats what i like to hear, it really winds me up when people say stuff like. *You know a cow died so you could wear that Jacket*

Personaly i usualy say something like

*Yep and my wallet, and shoes. still it would never have been alive if no one brough meat products*

But i can respect people belifes, just winds me up when they try n force them on me.


*If cows didn't want to be eaten they wouldn't taste so good * - Only joking

Peteff - 1/11/06 at 08:43 PM

Strewth your feet must stink What with that and the veggy farts you must be a hoot . Sorry mate only kidding but do you ever bite your fingernails? Who sorts the meals out at your house, do you have your own menus?

[Edited on 1/11/06 by Peteff]

lexi - 1/11/06 at 09:47 PM

Bloody hell! Vegan Gloves and Veggy Farts? Can`t be any worse than some of the carnivorous curry eaters that I hang out with. Plastic shoes and jumpers? You`ll end up with polymer poisoning

Seen any tasty animals about?


paulbeyer - 1/11/06 at 09:50 PM

If we were supposed to be vegetarian / vegan then God wouldn't have made animals taste of meat.

caber - 1/11/06 at 10:10 PM

Given the current environmental debate there are a lot of questions as to how ethical it is to use products highly processed from non renuable resources i.e. anything made of plastic or other hydrocarbon based product.

I do not see a problem with wool, it does not require the animal to be killed and sheering sheep makes them a lot more comfortble in the summer and less suseptible to lots of nasty skin diseases. Cotton is OK, cellulose is OK, latex gloves are fine, PVC aren't, Fleeces are OK as they are frequently made from post consumer waste, typically plastic drinks bottles, Leather well here's the question. You can an the hide of a dead animal, in fact a lot of low grade leather comes from knakers, the companies that take dead, injured or otherwise dying animals not fit for eating. Surely this is ethically acceptable leather?

My point of view is that I would rather spend my carbon allowance on fuel and essential plastics rather than clothes and tools!.


lexi - 1/11/06 at 10:25 PM

Never mind the carbon allowance. Whit aboot the family allowance That latest catchprase is nowt more than income tax!

millenniumtree - 1/11/06 at 10:27 PM

Originally posted by caber
I do not see a problem with wool, ...
Leather well here's the question ... not fit for eating. Surely this is ethically acceptable leather?

The standard arguments against wool and leather are as follows:

Wool - you're still raising the animal as a product. Without the product, you would have no need to raise the animal. Even it does make them more comfortable, they wouldn't exist if there weren't a demand for the product.

Leather - The main argument for leather is that the animal is there already, killed for meat, so why not use the skin - but you won't find me eating a burger either. Again, no burgers, no leather.

As far as plastics go... I probably use a lot less plastic than most other people - I try to use renewable resources whenever possible, and I use my products much longer than your typical american consumer. I don't treat things as disposable as much as some others - part of the reason I love this site - take something "old and rusty" and turn it into something "new and sporty!"

Anyway, I'm not here to preach, just to say how I see it.

Also, joking or not, I try not to bash other's beliefs. (but I'm also not at all offended when others play with my own beliefs) Trust me, I've heard all the jokes.

Anyway, it's not about me, it's about the COOL GLOVES! CHECK EM!!!

lexi - 1/11/06 at 10:45 PM

Anyway I think you are some turn. Big round of applause for tonights special guest.......VEEEEEEEEEEEGAN GLOOOVES

Mansfield - 1/11/06 at 10:46 PM

Did you see that sheep in Australia a couple of years ago that fled to the hills and did not get sheared for several years?

It weighed such an enormous amount I am suprised it could walk. Once sheared it must have thought it was floating everywhere.

What did sheep do before we started shearing them?

Totally respect your beliefs millenniumtree, each to his own and refreshing to see you will not force your beliefs on others. Wish all religion was like that, world would be a much better place.

Mansfield - 1/11/06 at 11:09 PM

Sorry, it was New Zealand, affectionately known as Shrek the sheep. Evaded capture for six years. Must have been hot in that coat. Rescued attachment shrek.jpg
Rescued attachment shrek.jpg

MikeR - 1/11/06 at 11:53 PM

g/f is ex Vegan and now 'just' veggie.

I'm a committed meat eater. Means we have some interesting conversations like,

I almost had a vegetarian meal tonight!
yeah lots of veg and something that used to eat veg
[stern look]

We had a discussion about geletine at the weekend, i wanted to make jelly. My argument was if the hooves where left overs from the meat production then surely that makes it ok. I mean, its not as though you killed the animal to get the hooves and its a waste of that poor animals life. Her response ........
[stern look]

decided to try and persuade her to eat meat, got her eating prawn cocktail crisps which she enjoyed (amazingly they have no meat and are veggie friendly!)

She couldn't quite face the bacon crisps (also veggie friendly) as one lad was eating pork scratchings - even i drew the line when some of those bits where hairy!!!!!!!!!!!!

lexi - 1/11/06 at 11:57 PM

Originally posted by Mansfield
Sorry, it was New Zealand, affectionately known as Shrek the sheep. Evaded capture for six years. Must have been hot in that coat.

The poor thing is sulking. It`s as if the system has failed it. I wouldn`t like to fall from the height of the sheepskin rug thats gonna make.

Peteff - 2/11/06 at 12:13 AM

Carnivore gloves $5.95

Knowing the cows love you Priceless

lexi - 2/11/06 at 12:24 AM

Them gloves are Chrome leather Pete......he`d be ok with them!

zetec7 - 2/11/06 at 02:46 AM

Milleniumtree - I don't agree with your choice, but I'll defend to the death your right to make it for yourself! That having been said (and please, don't take offence!), but

-"Vegan Welding Gloves

I'm not a vegan or a vegatarian, but I can't understand, why the f*ck would anyone want to eat them in the first place!"

[Edited on 1/11/06 by Confused but excited.]
DAMN that was funny!!! My wife and I roared

millenniumtree - 2/11/06 at 03:42 AM

After all the comments and jibes I've heard before, that one made me smile! Just the image of someone eating their gloves...

The only reason I put "Vegan" in the title is that I had a difficult time locating these gloves. I found only a few posts about "vegan welding gloves" anywhere and spent quite some time searching before I found these. If a few web spiders pick this up, maybe it will ease someone else's search.

That, and they look like damn fine gloves. I'll review them properly when I get them. I have used thick leather gloves before I became vegan, and also when there was really no other option, so I look forward to seeing how well these work out.

I have another pair of work gloves that are synthetic, and they are amazing. Durable, breatheable, flexible... I can type with them on, yet they're strong enough to hold up to demolishing a wall with a crowbar or tossing bricks around the garden. Better living through science, I say.

lexi - 2/11/06 at 09:46 AM

Originally posted by millenniumtree
After all the comments and jibes I've heard before, that one made me smile! Just the image of someone eating their gloves...

The only reason I put "Vegan" in the title is that I had a difficult time locating these gloves. I found only a few posts about "vegan welding gloves" anywhere and spent quite some time searching before I found these. If a few web spiders pick this up, maybe it will ease someone else's search.

That, and they look like damn fine gloves. I'll review them properly when I get them. I have used thick leather gloves before I became vegan, and also when there was really no other option, so I look forward to seeing how well these work out.

I have another pair of work gloves that are synthetic, and they are amazing. Durable, breatheable, flexible... I can type with them on, yet they're strong enough to hold up to demolishing a wall with a crowbar or tossing bricks around the garden. Better living through science, I say.

Funny thread all round. When I went to bed last night I realised I had pissed my MOLESKIN trousers with laughing

wilkingj - 2/11/06 at 10:33 PM

I will eat almost anything (thats edible)....

However... If you are a Vegan you have a restricted diet...

So... What do these Vegan Gloves and Shoes eat??

millenniumtree - I agree with Zetec7... Its your right... You exercise it.. We will defend it. Mickey taking or not on here... I am sure its all taken as a bit of Fun

[Edited on 2/11/2006 by wilkingj]

Browser - 3/11/06 at 12:07 AM

Bugger the ethical arguments, can we get 'em in the UK yet?