Here is a picture of my build table. I thought it would be nice to recycle the skid from my spa but it seems to be a little out of level. I varies by
about 3/8 to 1/2 inch over the length. Should I put an MDX sheet over it and level it or build a new base from scratch?
Rescued attachment Work Table small.JPG
personally.... new base.
the first thing I did was make sure it was completely flat, as any variations will make their way into the build, and although they can be compensated
for, I always wanted to make it as accurate as possible.
and 1/2 and inch is quite a lot before you even begin.
all the best
"recycle the skid from my spa"
That comment got me confussed for a while - i take you mean your pallet off your bathtub - unless you are posh!!
I would say that as long as you can get a level base to work off you should be fine. Levelling that one off may work out as much hassle as starting
from scratch.
Originally posted by drmike54
Here is a picture of my build table. I thought it would be nice to recycle the skid from my spa but it seems to be a little out of level. I varies by about 3/8 to 1/2 inch over the length. Should I put an MDX sheet over it and level it or build a new base from scratch?
Got a some of 4x4s and laid them on top of the skid "pallet" from my hot tub. The pallet has bent 1/2 inch down in the middle while
it's been sitting there. I guess it doesn't have much beam strength. Built a new table out of 4x4s and 3/4 MDX. I should be getting my steel
in the next few weeks. Then the welding will begin!