in next weeks lidl (dont forget body guard/translator) lightweight wet suitsŁ9-99,some stuff if you have a horse (late wedding pressy?) and the usual choccy stuff
The headset intercom at a fiver looks particularly relevant to your average locoster - Lidl Intercom
DOH,i read them as for playing music on yr bike,anyone goin to lidl on the 14th before they sell oot?
Judging by the lowlife Ive seen that shops at Lidl if they owned a horse it would have been eaten long ago .
[Edited on 9/4/05 by splitrivet]
or turned to glue to seal the envelopes containing benefits forms
Ever been to lidl?
Some of thier products are better than the equiverlant from any supermarket.
Probably some very lowlifes do go to lidl, but have to be very low to be lower than some i've seen go to tesco's etc.
[Edited on 9/4/05 by clbarclay]
Lidl and Aldi are superb shops,as clbarclay has said some of the products are far better quality than leading supermarkets.
Also in my area it is alsmost certain i will be the only english speaking punter in the shop,so i do not have to talk to anyone either
Theyv got them battery saver charger things in there for a fiver aswell. maybe handy for parking up in the garage over winter.
Bought a lightweight waterproof ...excellent. and a intercom ....yet to try this out. I was going to get an open face helmet for the kids but they had sold out.
funnily enough ive got the morning off took a trip to lidl (bob yr mobile isnt on and your not at home)waterproofs are a real bargain if a little tight round the important bits,intercom seems a bit pony tho
intercom works atreet,clear and loud and when you plug a mp3 player into it when you talk it cuts the volume on the mp3
great stuff
Rescued attachment intercom.jpg
Got an intercom this morning, awesome for the money
yep...... got an intercom, but wanted the battery charger aswell. All sold out
with you on that
got the intercom
only had two chargers... beaten to them
intercom is top draw and for a fiver
well truly is "locost"