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fancy this?
kj - 18/7/11 at 05:41 AM

Nice and cheap, looks ok;_ylu=X3oDMTRodXRzYWVpBGEDMTUwNzExX2NhcnNfd29ybGQmIzM5O3NfY2hlYXBlc3RfdmV5cm9uBGNwb3MDMQRnA2lkLTQ 1MTU2BGludGwDdWsEaXRjAzAEbXBvcwMxBHBrZ3QDMQRwa2d2AzEwBHBvcwMyBHNlYwN0ZC1mZWF0BHNsawN0aXRsZQR0ZXN0AzcwMgR3b2UDMjY3ODg4NTA-/SIG=134gla4n9/EXP=1311053871 /**http%3A//

Humbug - 18/7/11 at 06:27 AM

Posh and Becks? No thanks

fixed linky

stevegough - 18/7/11 at 07:15 AM

It doesn't look quite right, but its a pretty good effort on the guys part - shame about the performance.



gavin174 - 18/7/11 at 08:06 AM

school boy error....

he got the red and black the wrong way round!!

[Edited on 18/7/11 by gavin174]

stevegough - 18/7/11 at 08:19 AM

Originally posted by gavin174
school boy error....

he got the red and black the wrong way round!!

[Edited on 18/7/11 by gavin174]

Maybe he did it off a negative?

kj - 18/7/11 at 03:14 PM

the main page changes every now and then.