David Jenkins
posted on 9/9/07 at 07:39 AM |
Electronic speedo sender gizmo for a type 9 gearbox
I have just found a really nice late-model type 9 gearbox in a local scrappy, which I intend to overhaul and upgrade (the gearbox that is, not the
It came with good news/bad news though: the good news is that instead of a speedo cable outlet with a steel cap on the other side, it has a place to
fit an electronic speedo sender. This means that there is one less oil seal to worry about. I should also be able to interface the sender with my
speedo, which will be neat, easy and more reliable than my home-made sender (which has 'moments' occasionally).
The bad news is that I don't have the sender...
I tried a few of the better Ford salvage companies, and none of them knew that there was such a thing. Apparently it wasn't so rare, being used
in top-end Sierras and Granadas. I've attached a picture, for info.
Does anyone have one of these they don't want and would like to sell? Or does anyone know the Ford part number so I can try and buy a
![](/galpreviews/a615129-sender.jpg) ![Rescued attachment sender.jpg](/gallery/a615129-sender.jpg) Rescued attachment sender.jpg
posted on 9/9/07 at 01:07 PM |
Do you know if that transponder will fit any type 9 box, i could do with one myself. Will keep you posted if i find anything.
David Jenkins
posted on 9/9/07 at 01:17 PM |
I can't say whether it would fit a 'normal' type 9 with a speedo cable connection - this comes in from the other side, where the
blanking plug goes. You'd still be left with a hole to plug, where the cable went, if you managed to fit one of these to an ordinary box.
UPDATE: I forgot - there's a lug with a threaded hole on the side of the opening, so it wouldn't work on a normal type 9. The sender is
held in place with a screw.
[Edited on 9/9/07 by David Jenkins]
posted on 9/9/07 at 06:19 PM |
My t9 I had was also like this. It had the electronic sender where the blank plug was normally and it also had the cable drive. I haven't got
it anymore so can't help you out with any part numbers but it came from a 1.6CVH powered Sierra.
May be of help, you can now tell Ford's what car it came from.