posted on 29/4/13 at 09:55 PM |
Bonnet Scoop
Anyone kown where I can get hold of a cheap bonnet scoop
Looked on fleebay and not that impressed.
Lots from China taking over a month to arrive
Must be at least 24cm wide and 20cm long to cover a hole in my bonnet.
Any sugestions would be much appreciated
![](/galpreviews/2142.JPG) ![Description](/gallery/2142.JPG) Description
[Edited on 29/4/13 by cfc999]
posted on 30/4/13 at 03:40 AM |
Bonnet Scoop
There are some pics in my archive of a couple of the scoops I do. I also do a smaller one. Or I can do a custom one if required.
They can be in Carbon or GRP. I will be at Soneleigh (stand 214) is you fancy a look.
Regards Carbon Copies
[Edited on 30/4/13 by Carbonman]
Carbon Copies Ltd
NOTE:This user is registered as a LocostBuilders trader and may offer commercial services to other users
black fingernail
posted on 30/4/13 at 01:25 PM |
the old kia sedona had a nice bonnet bulge that would do the job nicely.