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Wanted - VW Header Tank...?
Winston Todge - 29/8/06 at 11:37 AM

Hey all,

Just looking for a cheap alternative for a header tank that has some transparency to easily check for level...

I've seen some VW ones (I think!) that are spherical and look pretty good.

But anything considered to be honest!

Anyone got anything laying around cluttering up the garage?

Thanks for any help,


nick205 - 29/8/06 at 11:46 AM

Mk2 Astra header tank lends itself well to being fitted on a flat scuttle bilkhead. Easy to see your coolant level and the hose connections point the right way too.


nick205 - 29/8/06 at 11:50 AM

piccy for you Rescued attachment mk2 Astra header tank.JPG
Rescued attachment mk2 Astra header tank.JPG

Winston Todge - 29/8/06 at 11:56 AM

Very useful Nick! Will keep an eye out for something similar.

The one I'm thinking of is very similar but perfectly spherical and has a pressure relief type arrangement just below the cap.

Ring any bells to anyone?


nick205 - 29/8/06 at 12:28 PM

You'd be after a MK3 Golf expansion tank probably.

Check out GSF Car Parts part number 17388 @ £14.50 + VAT

Hammerhead - 29/8/06 at 01:25 PM

rover 200 ones are good. Quite compact so can be mounted high on the bulkhead. got mine for £5 from scrappy.

pewe - 29/8/06 at 01:26 PM

I've used one from a Volvo 7 series (740/760). If you visit a scrappy you should be able to unbolt the bracket as well. It's horizontal with feed and expansion pipes in good locations. Top cap is pressurised. only prob. is that any overflow beyond the tanks capacity comes out through the cap - hopefully won't reach that temp. Cheers, Pewe
PS you can then put a Volvo sticker on the car as well!

Winston Todge - 29/8/06 at 04:26 PM

Thanks for the suggestions people!

Nick is there any chance you have a picture of the part 17388? The Mk3 header tank?

Ta again,


nick205 - 29/8/06 at 06:28 PM

sorry no pic, but pretty sure that's the part your after

gazza285 - 29/8/06 at 06:48 PM

Clio ones are pretty good. Two big outlets and a little inlet at the top.

[Edited on 29/8/06 by gazza285]

Winston Todge - 30/8/06 at 11:44 AM

Thanks people!

Popping into GSF tonight in Bristol.


Winston Todge - 31/8/06 at 07:06 AM

Thanks for the help Nick.

Popped into GSF Parts and picked up the spherical Mk3 Golf / Corrado / lots of others expansion tank for £20 including cap and VAT.

Great looking unit, transparent, good size and not overly expensive.

Pic to follow...


nick205 - 2/9/06 at 11:46 PM

let's see it fitted then

Winston Todge - 8/9/06 at 08:41 AM

Might be awhile 'til then but I'll grab a piccie next time I'm in there!