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old pipercross air filter wanted
givemethebighammer - 13/8/06 at 05:16 PM

Has anyone got an old Pipercross air filter like the one below they don't want. Even if it is damaged. I want to use it to make an airbox I was warned about noise again Friday night at Donington, some cardboard and gaffer tape over the foam filter to make a DIY air box, reduced the noise by 4dB!. So I want to make something I can fit for track days. I figured I could use an old filter to make a mould from. I have looked at the airbox pipercross offer to fit my baseplate but it isn't deep enough and the cone filter on the end is angled so it won't fit anyway.

thanks Rescued attachment px600_dimensions.jpg
Rescued attachment px600_dimensions.jpg

givemethebighammer - 13/8/06 at 05:41 PM

a damaged one like this would be ideal Rescued attachment damaged.jpg
Rescued attachment damaged.jpg