After a fair bit of fettling my ST170 engine is ready to lift into the Quantum.
I'm in no rush, as hols are beckoning, but I'm still after fuel and spark bits to run it once in.
I'd consider an injection ECU if it's cheap enough but realistically I'm looking at bike carbs (anything over 36mm and spaceable) and
an 'ignition only ECU'. I have a Zetec coil pack and leads for the sparks and an ST170 'stub' manifold for the carbs / throttle
I have a spare set of zx6r carbs, they are clean, I drained all the fuel out and put some carb spray through them other than that untested.
Cheap option is you want them
Originally posted by mikeb
I have a spare set of zx6r carbs, they are clean, I drained all the fuel out and put some carb spray through them other than that untested.
Cheap option is you want them
NickP - why don't you follow Big_wasa's thread on using the original ECU and injection system? VERY cheap as its bog standard and it works.
Originally posted by ianhurley20
NickP - why don't you follow Big_wasa's thread on using the original ECU and injection system? VERY cheap as its bog standard and it works.
I'm currently helping a friend put an ST170 lump ito a Tiger Avon and whilst it is tight it does fit without modification. The ST 170 bits can be
had quite cheaply and you don't need the entire loom just the ECU matched key and several engine plugs. Might be worth a closer look.
Hi Ian
I'm also part way through putting a ST170
engine in my Avon, is there any chance of some pics. I've made some engine mounts and have found the engine sits high. I may be able to get it
lower by using smaller rubber "bobbins" between my fabricated mounts and the chassis plates but I'm still thinking it will be too high
for the bonnet...any pics would be great
Must say the ST170 does not leave very much room. The one I am helping with has a cut sump and the top of the engine is only a few millimetres from
the bonnet but it does indeed fit. The standard plenum has also only a few millimetres to spare so it's all a very tight fit. Is your sump cut or
left as standard?
I'll have to speak to the guy whose car it is for photos as I have none of my own.
If you look at a standard Tiger built zetec engined car the spaces and clearances are exactly the same
Anyone tried the Speeduino ECU? There's a couple selling fully assembled 'plug & play' ones for around £200 on ebay. Looks like the
cheapest way to get full management.
Engine now in.....
Hi Ian
I got a sump from Premier Motorsports Development, it does away with the ally mid section and the bottom of the sump is level with the bottom of the
Type 9 gearbox.
Very good build blog by the way