Anyone in Notts/Leics able to spare an hour or so for beer tokens to clean up the pigeon poo welds on these?
Only bit of welding I need to do and my welder is currently foobarred (needs liner, gas and new swan neck)
Embarrassing picture to follow...
pigeon doo doo
I'm staying at East Midlands, and working in North(ish) Nottingham, so anyone a reasonable drive from there and willing to bail me out would be
Happy to lend a hand on your project if you need it, also...
[Edited on 13/9/10 by stevebubs]
PS old pigeon poo will need grinding out...
I'm just down the road in Coalville - near enough ?
Certainly have u2u...
you realise it is not just a matter of going over the wleds but needs grinding out the pigeons and joining up almost from scratch - if the angles are critical it may need making a jig = time.
Yes - most of the welds are OKish, it's actually just the drop bars that are seriously pigeonny...and those are a straightforward 90 degree angle..
PS these are also the "Mk 1" versions and therefore a lot heavier and not as pretty as a final piece would be.
Unfortunately I may need the car on the road sooner than anticipated so just need to make them strong enough that the bonnet won't fall off when
I drive down the road...
[Edited on 14/9/10 by stevebubs]
Thanks to Claire, I'm all sorted now!
Thanks, Claire!