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locost badge sets
Gaz 1977 - 16/10/08 at 05:59 PM

I have some of these for sale

£25 per pair painted and polished

£20 polished

£15 as they come out the mold.

all made by my own fair hand Rescued attachment badge red back.jpg
Rescued attachment badge red back.jpg

Surrey Dave - 16/10/08 at 07:08 PM

rallyingden - 16/10/08 at 07:35 PM


What are they made of ?
What size are they ?
How do they fix ?


[Edited on 16/10/08 by rallyingden]

[Edited on 16/10/08 by rallyingden]

Gaz 1977 - 19/10/08 at 07:01 PM

They are made of white metal, (similar to pewter)

The round one is 52mm across and the rectangular one is 90mm long.

there are two mounting posts on the back that could be threded. or you could remove the posts and use mounting tape.

I hope this helps.


Danozeman - 20/10/08 at 12:02 PM

Nice looking badges them!!

Tippo - 26/11/18 at 03:18 PM

Hey Gaz.

Sorry for opening up an old topic.

I'm a newbie to the site and was wondering if the badges you were making are still available.

I'm in Australia so would need to post OS if available.