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Build Update
flak monkey - 7/8/06 at 11:36 AM

Just thought I would update you all on the build progress a bit. Heres 2 of the latest pics

Just need to sort some track rod extensions this week.

Next job is to get a clevis sorted for my brake pedal so that i can get the brakes functioning. After that i think it will get the rest of the bodywork trimmed to fit then work toward getting ready for the engine to go in.

Comments, advice and abuse welcomed


PS theres some more pics in my archive in the 'build pics' folder

[Edited on 7/8/06 by flak monkey]

mackei23b - 7/8/06 at 11:54 AM

Looking good, well done!

3GEComponents - 7/8/06 at 12:23 PM

CaLviNx, Could you talk to "omega24v6" about how i might win big on Euromilions please?



omega0684 - 7/8/06 at 08:20 PM

how you doing dave, looks like you have been busy. nice body panelling on the sides there, i see that you have already got the brakes in.

get stuck in your doing great,ATB Alex

matt.c - 7/8/06 at 09:37 PM

Looking good david

On the road by the end of august?

Fat boy 1 - 8/8/06 at 07:25 AM

Nice one David ,
Looks the Bizz,what engine you putting in. and the big ? when for the SVA.

flak monkey - 8/8/06 at 11:34 AM

Hi Guys,

Thanks for the kind comments.

Mark, its interesting to hear of the differences in the kits as they have developed. And yes I am aware that the infill panels will not meet the back panel as Brian had mentioned it to me a while back. Not to worry, I am sure I will find a way around it.

Alex, hows yours coming along?

Matt, I wish. Lots of work to do yet, including getting some engine parts modified and finished off before I can get that in.

Fat Boy, pinto engine going in soon. Hopefully in the next month or so. I would like to get it running before I go back to uni at the end of september. get it SVA'd easter time next year maybe, then it will be ready for next summer


birdii - 8/8/06 at 09:02 PM

It's funny you mention track rod extensions, i found a problem last night with the ones I bought which is a little unforseen. The ones Darren sells are obviously for Sierra uprights but like you I have Cortina items which require 35mm ish less length! Oh well, gonna have a chat with Darren tomorrow i think, see if he can do some slightly shorter ones or i'll have to mod what I have got.

Looking very good mate! Keep it up!

birdii - 9/8/06 at 06:35 AM

Are you sure because he emailed me on Friday and said he had been for his hols and was going to talk to me this week about an order.

flak monkey - 9/8/06 at 06:37 AM

Just a quick Q, which rubber engine mounts should I be using? I assume all the GTS mounts are designed for one rubber mount?


dozracing - 9/8/06 at 09:40 AM

Hi David,

Congratulations on the build so far. I get a real thrill everytime i see a car coming on, like some proud grand father. Sad i know.

I'm back. Got my holiday dates mixed up a right treat. Thought we were going away on the 28 July for two weeks, and actually we went away on the 20th which was a bit of a surprise. So i'm back, and trying to get into the swing of things, not sure jet lags supposed to last for 5 days though.

Cuba is a fantastic place by the way, really recommend a visit.

Side infil panels were never mean't to fill the radius on the back panel, that was supposed to be the job of the interior side panel, as it gives you a better finished edge at that point.

Kind regards,
