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Progress pics of new interior
roadrunner - 27/4/08 at 08:39 PM

New tunnel, seeing Daves pictures gave me an idea.
new tunnel
new tunnel

And started but not yet finished dash.
started new dash
started new dash

Mr Whippy - 27/4/08 at 08:57 PM

very professional looking job

locoR1 - 27/4/08 at 09:05 PM

Looking good! how did you get on cutting it?

spent a bit of time today making a wooden former and managed to make some nicely shaped demister vent trims with some off cuts,

When I've got more time i intend to try vacuumed forming the locost way with a Hoover or in my case Dyson

I fancy some carbon look rear light housing a bit like the westfield ones but with smaller lights but that's probably a little to adventurous for the first go!

Someone posted a link on here a while ago with a video on diy vacuum forming buggered if i can find it now though

roadrunner - 27/4/08 at 09:25 PM

It went quite well thanks Dave, it was quicker than getting the jigsaw out, when you talk about vacuum forming i guess your using the 2mm stuff.

BenB - 27/4/08 at 09:33 PM

It looks good though I can't help but feel the best place for the handbrake is the passenger compartment next to the gearstick

Where do you rest your left arm when you're cruising post blat???

Andy W - 27/4/08 at 09:34 PM

Looking good, Brad. Did you ever get that diff from that diesel Sierra?


Daimo_45 - 27/4/08 at 09:35 PM

locoR1 - 27/4/08 at 09:36 PM

Yes forgot to mention mines all 2mm stuck to the ally panels, so no rivets on show and should stop it rippling in the sun!
The dash is 4mm.

locoR1 - 27/4/08 at 09:40 PM

Originally posted by Daimo_45

Never though of youtube cheers for that!

roadrunner - 28/4/08 at 06:43 PM


Looking good, Brad. Did you ever get that diff from that diesel Sierra?

Thanks for that Andy, and no the sierra is still on the road.