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Q: price seats
t.j. - 15/1/08 at 06:44 AM


I'm looking around for some seats.
What are "normal" prices for
unmarked non-leather seats with sleeves in the back for 4 point harness?

thx i have no clue

What cost the "seven" cobra-seat on ? Nice looking...

[Edited on 15/1/08 by t.j.]

Mr Whippy - 15/1/08 at 07:09 AM

Yeah I have those as do many others. There fine unless you try to use them in a standard tin top as then their not very comfortable if sitting upright. I find my legs actually rest on the side cushions rather than being restrained by them and as the cushions are quite small the side of my legs were getting sore. I found though that it’s less of a problem if the seats mounted on the floor as per in a 7. Don’t get ones without the harness holes thinking you can convert them later, you can’t as there needs to be a metal frame inside which is not present on the hole-less ones. I found my MK’s glass seats considerably more comfortable but colder.

Triton - 15/1/08 at 08:13 PM

Hi there

Not exactly what you mentioned but these are our new wide seats but with reduced head rest height. Neoprene padding helps keep your bum warm and softens the ride a tad...£200+p&p.
Mark Rescued attachment New wide seat.JPG
Rescued attachment New wide seat.JPG

t.j. - 15/1/08 at 09:39 PM


I'm not clear enough:

I know two used seats which are for sale.
What should I bid?

Then second Question what do the cobra's cost new?


Triton - 16/1/08 at 08:59 AM

No worries and my Dutch is about as good as my English...and I'm English!!!!
