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coveringdash in vinyl
jabbahutt - 22/10/07 at 12:38 PM


Looking for tips on covering the dash in vinyl to get a good looking result.

Any tips for going round curved edges etc and how to best attach to the rearof the dash etc much appreciated.

Also the best adhesives to use and where to buy from.

Many thanks

tks - 22/10/07 at 12:52 PM


is wat i used. Look at the pattern of your venyl, mine is strechy in one way only and not in the other. Make sure you put it on stretchy diagonal. in that way you can easlyly strech/tighten the covering.

Also put some foam unther neath the venyl, it will give it a grate touchy feeling.


02GF74 - 22/10/07 at 12:56 PM

shame you didn;lt post 1 week ago as I could have taken some posts of my dash.

2 mm aluminium with cltoh back vinyl; used evo bond - blue tine from B& Q; brush onto the metal and onto the cloth; wait about five minures then put cloth on top.

use scissors to mave V shaped cuts so it goes around corners.

one thing to be aware of is to watch out for small bits of debris that seem to be attracted to the glue - thye come up as lumps in the cloth

fixed by smacking them with a drift.

tks - 22/10/07 at 01:01 PM

sow no foam unther neath then for you??


02GF74 - 22/10/07 at 02:32 PM

foam?!!?!? Excess weight!!

(Oh, it is post SVA).

vindicator - 22/10/07 at 03:03 PM

is this what you are after......take a bolt and put it thru the front of the dash. Using a locking agent, lock a nut onto the bolt....drill location holes in scuttle. Secure dash with other nuts behind scuttle. Make sure you use some foam under the vinyl as this hides the bolt heads and any swarf and looks the business.....



Dashboard Screws
Dashboard Screws

front dash padding
front dash padding

gingerprince - 22/10/07 at 03:09 PM

There's a few pics of my dash retrim here which may help you out: -

I used laminate floor underlay foam from B&Q for padding, plus spray adhesive and staples.

mackei23b - 22/10/07 at 08:43 PM

Got mine from wollies trim. Use high temp spray glue if you are not using foam backing so that it wont bubble in the sunlight.

Pic of mine at



[Edited on 22/10/07 by mackei23b]

zetec - 23/10/07 at 07:07 AM

Martrim 01606 834480 are very good suppliers, most helpful and good advice. I suspect by the amounts they sell they supply trade as well as the likes of us so have good prices and range.

I found that if you use foam much more than 6mm you can end up with "Chesterfield sofa" effect dash, If you want to keep nice crisp edges then dont use the foam around the hole/edge. Spray foam is very good fixing vinyl/leather to a foam covered surface as trying to get contact adhesive spread over the foam surface evenly can be tricky. The other benefit of spray adhesive is that you dont get in a sticky mess while try the lay the material down! Also allow plenty of material to trim back, if you have to really stretch the material to fit you've cut it too small! It will shrink back at some point and leave a gap.

Good luck, take your time as you'll spend a long time looking at it.