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fitting mac 1 dash
darrenga - 18/2/07 at 11:52 AM

how do you fit the mac1 dash to a mk scuttle? pics would help

zxrlocost - 18/2/07 at 12:14 PM

it fits perfect already

use some allan key bolts they have less of a head on them for sva

1 every 6-8 inches

esn163 - 18/2/07 at 12:15 PM


This is how we fitted ours, long bolts through dash and into scuttle

Ed Rescued attachment DSCF0005.JPG
Rescued attachment DSCF0005.JPG

darrenga - 18/2/07 at 12:52 PM

do you put blocks between dash and scuttle or should it fit over scuttle

esn163 - 18/2/07 at 10:11 PM

Hi, the edge of the dash just butts up to the scuttle and there is a gap between the two pieces. You could fill this with blocks to make it more solid, but we didn't find it necessary.

