Look away if you are easily offended...
and if you are not, here it is in its full glory!
my knob
I made it from some 2x2 pine, turned to a gearknob shape on a drill press then given several coats of paint (notice the red/black fade). It is
tapped to M10, originally made in the wood but since that didn't seem to be strong, I dripped some fibre glass resin down the side and cut the
thread into that. (with hindsight I should have just filled an old squash ball with resin, drilled and tapped it, oh well.... )
But why bother I hear you gasp? The original aluminum knob fitted has a 0.2 mm ridge that failed on SVA edge stuff
ali knob
One of my list of items from abortive SVA test yesterday was non- compliant knob. . .
I love the squash ball idea - it's going on!!!
what a lovely knob
oh bugger. mine is similar to your original one.
how on earth can that be considered dangerous?
is it the recessed screws it failed on?
now i've got to find another item that'll be in for the sva then binned afterwards.
IIRC you can fill the screwheads (and lethal recesses) with silicone sealant to make it pass.
I also like the squash ball idea (makes a change to a pool ball) which colour dot would be best
yellow dot
Rescued attachment newknob.jpg
the knob has blue LEDs, yes I know....... but it was the undercut ring, all of about 0.2 mm that was the sharp edge problem.
I cannot really imagein any injuries, serious, or other ever be caused by it but tules is rules.
It was a matter of principle of not spending more dosh on something that in my opinion is idiotic.
Mine's a green snooker ball drilled and tapped M10.
I used a cue ball (I'm a traditionalist!), even though our version of the SVA isn't nearly as difficult to get through. I shudder at the
thought of the horrific injuries that that .2 mm ridge could cause to the vehicle's occupants, and think of the unspeakable danger to passersby!
Oh, the horror! Gore! Mayhem!! Disembowelment!!!! (What the hell are they thinking?!?!)
I had to go back to the rubber metro handbrake cover as clearly the turned ali one would have sliced my hand open everytime i used it.
I would go for a blue dot personally!
Whoa!!! Blokes... Its a Knob Flashing Contest!!!
Being a V8 man (and car) I just had to have one of these. Its SVA safe, and dead cheap at £2.99 and 15 mins time to bore the hole and then hot melt
Glue it to the gearstick.
Very Locost, and very effective
V8 Gear knob
Surely it should be the 7 ball