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Seat belts mounted to role bar
myeates - 1/8/06 at 08:46 PM

Hi all i am just about to mount the role bar and want to mount the seat belts on the role bar has anyone done this with either 3 or 4 point harneses and passed sva like it my role bar is 50mm diameter 3mm thick so should be fine

all the best any help needed

Michael - 1/8/06 at 09:29 PM

I have mounted mine in the roll bar, but using an additionional horizontal bar, but am still in build stage, so not tested yet. Rescued attachment Roll BAr Mount NS2.JPG
Rescued attachment Roll BAr Mount NS2.JPG

Liam - 1/8/06 at 10:06 PM

I was wondering about something similar...

My mate has a track MR2 and the harnesses are mounted to the roll bar, but not in the way above - the harnesses are designed to simply loop around a horizontal bar behind the seats. Seems a much stronger way of mounting them - not only are you not relying on thin sheet metal brackets bolted to an attachment, but you are not placing a sharp 180 degree fold on the strap either. Anyone know if this is allowed for the SVA as i'd do it this way if I had the choice.

(The only thing is a can't remember if his harnesses loop over the bar then buckle up, or if they are sewn up and the bar has to be removable... the latter would be slightly less desirable as your locost's harness bar would also have to be removable).


JohnN - 1/8/06 at 10:38 PM

I have my harnesses fixed to the roll bar cross bar, and passed sva that way. The only complaint from the tester was that the harness connections themselves were too sharp. I had to add protection to these connectors.

Photo shows full depth threaded insert welded top & bottom and eye bolts to screw in

Harness Mounts
Harness Mounts

Peteff - 1/8/06 at 11:33 PM

Mount them on the top or bottom so the bolts will be in shear.

myeates - 2/8/06 at 08:01 AM

thats great guys what about mounting to the role bar loop for just a 3 point so the strap mounts to the side upright portion

andyharding - 2/8/06 at 01:31 PM

This passed

Pre SVA Prep 2
Pre SVA Prep 2

myeates - 2/8/06 at 02:54 PM

i think i am now going to do it like JohnN
that does look good what height does the mounts need to be from the top chassis rail, and what height does the role bar cross bar have to be or does this just depict on the harness mounts

JohnN what sort of protection did you add

thanks guys

[Edited on 2/8/06 by myeates]

lotustwincam - 11/8/06 at 10:12 PM

Passed SVA on 2nd attempt with seat belts attached to roll bar.

Examiner needed to SEE that the threaded tubes passed right through the roll bar and were welded on both sides. In our case this meant drilling through the thick threaded strenghening plate that had been placed INSIDE the roll bar!

Examiner also insisted that rear diagonal brace mounting plates were seam welded to chassis. However he never once inspected how the main hoop of the roll bar was attached to the chassis - and as it was covered over, it might have been attached with chewing gum for all he knew!!!

scotty g - 12/8/06 at 06:51 AM

if you have the bolt going directly into the tube of a lower bracing bar it is best to go right through with an extra long bolt, i have seen them fail otherwise.

myeates - 12/8/06 at 08:35 AM

so the rear supports for the role bar have to be welded cant the thing just be bolted down with 4 strong M12 bolts per side and same on the top where the loop is