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triton seat range...
GeoffB - 17/10/05 at 10:18 AM

i,m not on commision but,, could we have a full listing with pics even guide prices for us all to pervey

jimgiblett - 17/10/05 at 11:06 AM

Dimensions too would help



Triton - 17/10/05 at 12:06 PM

We, well my son is anyway, working on a new website that will,... if all goes to plan let people have access to pictures and dimensions as well as buy them online.
At present there are 4 different high back seats and 2 different low back seats .
If anyone needs dimensions beforehand please let me know.


Peteff - 17/10/05 at 12:09 PM

Are Tritons' seats pervey? Do they have a built in vibrator or something that I've not heard about? I'm thinking you mean peruse Geoff . I'd like to see some pictures of the lowback ones when the mould is ready.

nick205 - 17/10/05 at 02:56 PM

well I'd like something to pervey at myself but then I've already got some seats!

Avoneer - 17/10/05 at 03:56 PM

I'm sure he means purvey

"To supply, furnish, advertise or circulate".


Triton - 17/10/05 at 04:36 PM

Well if it's a seat with a "toy" attached...I know a bloke who sells such things

Triton - 17/10/05 at 05:29 PM

Triton - 17/10/05 at 05:31 PM

Airbox ready too Rescued attachment Airbox 2.jpg
Rescued attachment Airbox 2.jpg

Peteff - 17/10/05 at 05:49 PM

In that case Triton is the purveyor and wants everyone to purchase the seats after they have perused them, perchance .

Triton - 17/10/05 at 05:58 PM

No i don't sell them....i take donations and in return i give out free seats

indykid - 17/10/05 at 07:45 PM

Originally posted by Peteff
In that case Triton is the purveyor and wants everyone to purchase the seats after they have perused them, perchance .

indeed, perhaps, what, what.

i thought this was about seats, not english, although i am glad someone corrected it.

tom (too lazy to be a pedant)

Triton - 19/10/05 at 05:13 PM

Hey Pat it worked!!!

Avoneer - 19/10/05 at 05:49 PM

He he he,

All part of the service.


Triton - 22/10/05 at 08:20 AM

Morning people,
Somebody asked how wide etc the wider seat is but i can't remember who it was soooooo.
Widest point is 436mm (at front lower edge)
Around the rib area it's 355mm internally.........had an 18stone geeza in one and said ooo yer beauty a seat that fits.....

Still fits a Locost as!

Triton - 22/10/05 at 08:22 AM

Will post picture or can email them but MotoGP on soon so will have to wait...

Schrodinger - 5/12/05 at 01:57 PM

How much are the airboxes?


Peteff - 5/12/05 at 02:33 PM

Is that a short tongued peasant Tom ? Did you ever do any low backed seats ?