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paul_mcq - 18/5/05 at 12:48 PM

hows it going ppl. just a wee question bout a make of seat, any one heard of mamba and if so are they any good heres a pic of the ones i'm interested in


Dillinger1977 - 18/5/05 at 12:55 PM

near identical to a cobra monaco that. the name kind of gives it away a bit too
dont know how they compare in terms of weight or quality though..

Triton - 18/5/05 at 09:09 PM

I am going thru process of doing up my lad's Mini and as i make grp seats i am going to make a specific fitting so they will fit the Mini mounting points and locate on rear latch to keep MOT geeza happy.......might well offer them as a dedicated Mini fitment if enough interest.
Mark Rescued attachment High back rally seata.png
Rescued attachment High back rally seata.png