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Kirkey Seats Stockist in the S.East?
RazMan - 25/4/05 at 10:42 PM

Love the looks of these but need to park my bum in one before parting with my hard earned sheckles

Does anyone know where I can get my hands (and bum) on one? Rescued attachment 36000.jpg
Rescued attachment 36000.jpg

white130d - 26/4/05 at 12:02 AM

Althoug I got mine here in the states, I think you might find them here

Clicky doodle


NS Dev - 26/4/05 at 07:30 AM

You want to try the oval racing suppliers, demon thieves prices are VERY steep by comparison.

Can think of them now but do some searches on google around F2 stock cars and autograss and you'll find some.

Certainly BP Grassing in bedfordshire should be able to help, Tel/fax 01234 708064

Or try DJG motorsport in Braintree
FAX/PHONE 01376 320712 / 07702 506681

RazMan - 26/4/05 at 06:12 PM

Thanks guys

Demon Tweeks are HOURS away from me so I will give them a miss (and their prices are extortionate too)

DJG doesn't stock Kirkey seats and is having trouble getting alternatives due to supplier problems.

I will give BP a ring tomorrow and see if they can help.

Bananaman - 28/4/05 at 12:23 PM

Try Randall Motorsport

01945 420777


NS Dev - 30/4/05 at 08:26 PM

They're the ones I was trying to remember the name of!

RazMan - 30/4/05 at 08:51 PM

Thanks guys...

Randall don't answer their phone or emails ... which is strange. Shame really coz I passed their way only this morning. Ah well...

BP were very helpful - suggested I call in some time and have a try. They are a bit of a trek from Essex but they seem to be the only people who can help.

NS Dev - 1/5/05 at 10:15 AM

Being a autograsser myself I can thoroughly recommend BP Grassing. Worth checking whether they are at any grassing events in the essex area in the next few weeks. They go the the bigger events and would no doubt bring a few seats along for you to try.