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I've bought a new heater
John Bonnett - 29/6/11 at 07:59 AM

My thanks to big-vee-twin who pointed me in the direction of this heater. It is really compact and lightweight; much smaller and I suspect efficient than the Mini heater it is going to replace.

I bought it from these people linky

[img] Heater 1
Heater 1

[img] Description

BenB - 29/6/11 at 09:09 AM

Oooooh - their micro design looks v good. Might have to get one

cerbera - 29/6/11 at 11:21 AM

They look a great piece of kit. I bouight one a while back but have decided not to fit. (too lazy).
Wish I'd known you were after one, could have sold you mine at a discount

John Bonnett - 29/6/11 at 11:43 AM

Originally posted by cerbera
They look a great piece of kit. I bouight one a while back but have decided not to fit. (too lazy).
Wish I'd known you were after one, could have sold you mine at a discount


jimgiblett - 29/6/11 at 02:34 PM

Originally posted by John Bonnett
My thanks to big-vee-twin who pointed me in the direction of this heater. It is really compact and lightweight; much smaller and I suspect efficient than the Mini heater it is going to replace.

I bought it from these people linky

[img] Heater 1
Heater 1

[img] Description

Hi John

That is the same heater that I have fitted into my Alfa project. Very compact. Will need to wait and see how efficient it is. Do make sure that the outlets are at the top and that you use decent quality 1/2" or 13mm hose as you dont want them popping off. I tried to nip some 5/8th down and split the tube with the jubilee clip. Well it split when it got up to temp. Fortunately no damage done but messy and annoying all the same.

All the best

- Jim

John Bonnett - 29/6/11 at 02:43 PM

Jim very good to hear from you. I've been waiting to hear about progress on the Alfa. Hope Laon went well; I know the weather was scorchio.

I'm already using the right size hose as it is the same as the Mini heater. It certainly worried me about splitting and getting scalded in the leg department. I hope to get round to fitting it next week. What I shall need is a rheostat to control all the heat .

Keep in touch



jimgiblett - 29/6/11 at 02:56 PM

Hi John

Was scorchio in Laon and very busy with 750 cars.

Here are the pics of my T7 heater fitted inside the old alfa heater box. I used a London Taxi heater control valve (T7 can supply these).

- Jim





[Edited on 29/6/11 by jimgiblett]

John Bonnett - 29/6/11 at 03:26 PM

Thanks for the pictures Jim. Like all your work it looks excellent.

I did look at the taxi valve but the heater circuit doubles up as a by-pass so I really need to keep the water flowing. So I was looking for a rheostat to regulate the heat and reduce the fan noise.


inkafone - 11/7/11 at 06:32 PM

cerbera - have mailed you re heater