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Steering fitting
Taylor R1 - 20/4/08 at 11:10 AM

Anyone know what standard ford steering wheel will fit this Steering shaft?

Mine is not SVA compliant so I would like to fit a standard steering wheel for SVA.


[Edited on 20/4/08 by Taylor R1]

RazMan - 20/4/08 at 11:16 AM

Normal solution is to fit an aftermarket boss and then fit a suitable wheel - that looks like a Sierra jobbie to me.

big_wasa - 20/4/08 at 11:24 AM

As above it looks like a sierra shaft. So if its just for sva why not use a sierra wheel ?

Taylor R1 - 20/4/08 at 12:38 PM

many thanks for info.

Hoped it was standard sierra, but I thought they had a spline type fitting rather than flats on the shaft.