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Sierra rear hub/brakes photos or drawings anyone?
andyd - 4/11/06 at 11:33 AM

Has anyone got any good close up photos of the Sierra rear hub and brake setup? Or some drawings perhaps?

I'm not familiar with that area and need to start thinking about the design requirements for my mid-engined BEC. I'm going totally lightweight so I'll be making up hubs and uprights from alloy. I'm gonna design it to use motorcycle discs and calipers but retain the Sierra wheel bearings and driveshafts. So I'm looking for some images that I can start with before getting my hands on some actual Sierra parts.

RazMan - 4/11/06 at 12:07 PM

Here's one of my rear hub - not much but hope it helps Rescued attachment Rear Hub.jpg
Rescued attachment Rear Hub.jpg

andyd - 4/11/06 at 12:13 PM

Originally posted by RazMan
Here's one of my rear hub - not much but hope it helps

Cheers Raz... that does actually help clarify a couple of things for me. Thanks.

stevec - 4/11/06 at 12:23 PM

Its a drum setup but every little helps.

stevec - 4/11/06 at 12:27 PM

found these on carbuilders solutions site.

ReMan - 4/11/06 at 01:05 PM

? Any good, loads of pics in peeps archives, did you want disk or drum? Rescued attachment DISKSHOW.JPG
Rescued attachment DISKSHOW.JPG

Minicooper - 4/11/06 at 01:27 PM

Here are a couple of piccies of the standard disk braked Sierra bearing carrier, disc, brake setup


Minicooper - 4/11/06 at 01:30 PM

Pic No2

andyd - 4/11/06 at 02:38 PM

Fantastic stuff guys, cheers.

I think I can start to mock some CAD up from those now and fill in the final dimensions once I've got my parts.

I can use the photos to think about how to design my hubs to attach some bike discs/calipers.

Many thanks.

meany - 4/11/06 at 07:01 PM

i still have my set up in bits in the garage,

if you want me take any specific pics or measurements...just let me know.

ill do it tomorrow.

meany - 4/11/06 at 07:02 PM

forgot to say...they are drums

RichardK - 4/11/06 at 10:41 PM

Dunno if this is any good, but here you go anyway


andyd - 4/11/06 at 10:59 PM

I've never been up close and personal with the rear end of a Sierra so I'm not 100% sure but I'm assuming that where the drive shaft bolts to and the rest of the hub comes apart to fit it into the carrier? If someone could confirm that and maybe give me a photo of that then that'd be cool.

Also can anyone tell me the PCD of the drive shaft bolt holes?

Sorry for the lack of technical terms, I'm a software engineer pretending to know how to build a car!