The ongoing saga... I need my wheel closer to my chest so I have looked at a number of things. Re-reading an earlier post, it looks like the simplest
thing would be to get a spacer for the boss... except that I can find one ready made.
Does anyone have the materials (chunky bit of ali) and tools (probably a lathe and a drill press to make me something?
I am basically after a disc of ali say 40-50mm thick, 87mm wide with a 40mm hole through the centre. Ideally I also need the other holes drilling as
well, but I am guessing (hoping) that those wouldn't be so difficult to do with a normal drill.
If anyone can help, please U2U or email me with info and an idea of cost.
[Edited on 15.10.2006 by Humbug]
Rescued attachment Steering wheel boss details.jpg
Originally posted by CaLviNx
No lathe needed just time and effort. a trip to local steel scrappie a rummage around take a bit of 2mm flat plate(mild steel will do) scribe two rings on it cut out with jigsaw drill holes on each ring to suit both wheel & boss, you have your end plates done, & look for a bit of steel tube of a suitable dia, cut to the required length MiG the end rings to the tube, viola your extender is done.
Originally posted by hicost
I have a Myford super 7 in the garage and many other tools. You are welome to come over and I will turn one down for you. I am in West Sussex RH123TH just outside Horsham.
You can buy these from Demon Tweeks - Surely??
How about a quick release boss? It will give you about 60mm IIRC
... Spacers not available from Demon Tweeks for Mountney traditional style wheels, as far as I could see
... quick release boss is not very locost
Thanks for the various replies though
Oooh I don't know
[Edited on 15-10-06 by RazMan]
ebay item .
What kind of column have you used. I got mine closer by undoing the alloy mount clamped round the convoluted section and pulling it further through
Steering column mount
This was what mine looked like.
Make your own, the mounteny boss you have will not pass SVA without a fair bit of modification. I cut the ford one out of the original wheel and made
a deformable boss, bolted to the upper mount ring of the original mountney boss.
Rescued attachment Column Extension.jpg
Thanks again for the further info
ebay quick release boss looks OK
Might try moving the column nearner
Standard Mountney boss passed SVA OK no problem!
Check out;f=8;t=42548
It looks he can supply blanks.
Originally posted by GaryM
Check out;f=8;t=42548
It looks he can supply blanks.
rally design or buton power do a cllapsible spacer thing. looks like two disc and between them are 4 angled plates.
I don't think the pcd is comaptible with mountney boss but I have another disc to adapt between the two.
Originally posted by Peteff
ebay item .
What kind of column have you used. I got mine closer by undoing the alloy mount clamped round the convoluted section and pulling it further through
Steering column mount This was what mine looked like.