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Dimensions/Dwgs on Opel Ascona uprights?
Lippoman - 30/9/06 at 11:18 AM

Anyone have any dim's or dwg's on the Opel Ascona B uprights? Same as used on the Manta B and the Lotus Esprit s1, I've been told?
Trying to work out front end geometries/parts for my BEC middy and a friend's locost.
These uprights are easily obtainable (at least more so than the Cortina's), here in Sweden...

t.j. - 30/9/06 at 09:29 PM

Not really the drawings

front axle manta-B
front axle manta-B

[Edited on 30/9/06 by t.j.]

NS Dev - 1/10/06 at 11:18 AM

I have loads of manta/ascona uprights but no drawings!!!!!

you are quite right though, they are MUCH easier than cortina ones to get hold of in the UK too! (like a whole scrap manta is less than what cortina hubs go for on ebay!)

All the late Opel/Vauxhall brakes bolt straight on (use Rekord/Carlton vented discs plus Calibra/cavalier/vectra calipers) plus they happen to use the same bearing set as vauxhall Nova (opel corsa mk 1) rear hubs, so easy on that one too!

Then you just need a kadett/chevette rear axle with a prop adaptor to replace the barrel spline fitting for the torque tube.

Even better, find an Isuzu piazza axle, LSD as std and same casing/diff as the manta B!

Marcus - 2/10/06 at 08:55 AM

VERY nearly went the Manta donor route as I had a scrap GT/E sitting on my drive. In the end, decided the axle was too wide, and engine too tall, so bought an Escort!
A Chevette axle was too narrow, the ideal solution would have been a Manta 'A' axle (or Chevette HS / Kadett GT/E) - but a bit hard to come by. The torque tube was a problem as I'd heard of it being modified, but couldn't find any details. Uprights would have been useable, BUT meant the wheel bolt patterns would be different. In the end, I opted for the Ford donor gear, using Manta steering column / pedal box / master cylinder and seats.

NS Dev - 2/10/06 at 10:19 AM

Manta column is excellent isn't it! Much better than the horrid sierra things!

I have also used all fordy bits for the running gear, but having a huge selection of manta bits means that they are always thought of as potential donor parts.

Think I have at least 4 if not 5 mantas worth of parts in the "store" (bit round the back of the garage!)

My brother's 1982 GTJ coupe is about to receive its 16v power unit in place of the 2.0 8 valve cav sri unit that went in last year (still a useful 130hp and much lighter than the horrid CIH manta engine!!).

The 16 valver now owes us £40!!! (see post on donor cars section)