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Sierra Steering Column Top (the ali bit)
StevieB - 28/8/06 at 02:24 PM


I've just finished the task of removing the ignition and steering lock from my steering column. The result is a much lighter component, but as I'm a bit ham fisted with my dremel (and tools in general!), are there any after market CNC'd items that anybody knows of, or anywhere I could take it to be machined down to a nicer finish.

[Edited on 28/8/06 by StevieB]

[Edited on 28/8/06 by StevieB] Rescued attachment Picture 072.JPG
Rescued attachment Picture 072.JPG

StevieB - 28/8/06 at 02:31 PM

Maybe we just try and make that a little smaller!

esn163 - 28/8/06 at 03:31 PM


Dad had ours machined at work however I know MAC#1 used to sell machined ones for £10/£20 exchange I think. Might be an idea to give them a call.



StevieB - 28/8/06 at 03:37 PM

Maybe not so good I've already chopped mine up then!

It's not a bad job now I've cleaned it up, just a lot of scuff marks from using cut off discs/grinding stones on the dremel - it'd just be really nice to have it finished on a lathe to get rid of all the cross cuts and leave a machined finish.