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Escort rack
locosted Don - 21/8/06 at 01:59 PM

Being from the USA I'm having a real problem finding an Escort rack. Could somebody give me the dimensions of one so I can compare it to somthing over here? Thanks Rescued attachment rapdwg.gif
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zetec7 - 21/8/06 at 05:28 PM

Can't give you the dimensions of an Escort rack, but you'll find a Chevy Chevette rack is pretty close to those dimensions (I'm in Canada, and that's what I used with my Mustang II front end). One issue to remember is that you need a front steer rack (i.e., one where the tie rods are ahead of the front axle line) on a Mustang II front end (or it'll steer backwards...). There aren't many in North America that fit the bill! I had to have the Chevette rack narrowed a couple of inches to eliminate bumpsteer. Since then, though I have learned that the Porsche 914 rack is very narrow, and might just do what you need. Anyway, make sure that if you find the perfect width rack, that it's for a front-steer suspension, not a rear-steer! And, of course, an Escort rack would have to also be for a left-hand drive car for it to be useable....