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Coilover Adjusters Don't Work?
pajsh - 1/4/06 at 10:43 PM

The damper adjusters on my front coilovers just seem to go around and don't seem to alter the damping.

The rear ones stop at max and min and you can tell the difference but the front ones just click click click and don't stop either way.

The damping seems to be at maximum as the front suspension is very hard.

Are they broken, if so how and can they be fixed.

Any advice/help mucho appreciated

romer - 1/4/06 at 10:49 PM

I can't really answer your question, but it might help someone else to if you let them know what type of dampers they are


pajsh - 1/4/06 at 11:11 PM

Typical coilovers, AVO I think.

Small knurled wheel below the ride height adjuster just keeps going round (clicky clicky) and doesn't stop at max or min.

Guess it must be some form of valve restricting the oil flow and I guess the knurled knob is not connected to the valve and I guess it can't be fixed either.

But that's enough guessing. Can anyone tell me how they work and if they can be fixed?

Edit.. Better still how about a picture
SVA FAIL - OK so I knew about these projections but ran out of time. I was going to change the light mounts anyway
SVA FAIL - OK so I knew about these projections but ran out of time. I was going to change the light mounts anyway

[Edited on 1/4/06 by pajsh]

Chippy - 1/4/06 at 11:21 PM

I would say that if you can find out for sure what manufacture they actually are, that you could send them back for overhaul, although would be advisable to get an estimate first, could be cheaper to buy a pair of new ones. atb Ray.

Dusty - 1/4/06 at 11:58 PM

Look like AVO. with a SVA nut cover over the adjuster. I assume you have removed the nut covers first to adjust and they still don't. AVO shocks are rebuildable so send them of to AVO. Cheaper than buying new I guess.

C10CoryM - 2/4/06 at 03:00 AM

Some shocks you need to pull or push the knob as you turn it to change the settings. They click when you don't (like a pill bottle cap). Not sure if this is your problem but try it.

eddymcclements - 2/4/06 at 08:12 AM

Take off the nut cover. There's a small socket head grubscrew in the knurled knob. Loosen this and turn the knob a 1/4 turn or so, then tighten up the grubscrew good and tight. That'll sort it out.

The AVO adjuster knob itself contains the clicker rather than it being inside the damper body.


pajsh - 2/4/06 at 03:48 PM

Thanks Eddy worked a treat. Sorted.

One side the grub screw was loose the other not tight enough I guess.

I thought it was going to be something to do with the grub screw but the click fooled me into thinking it was something deeper inside.

Mucho Grassyarse :-)