How much vertical axle movement can I expect, I know this will vary with total built weight and type of damper fitted and spring rates, but as a
general rule?
My present shocks have excellent damping characteristics, but the ride is a little firm!!!!!!!!!!!!
The image to go with the above!!
Rescued attachment DCP_0431sml.jpg
its gonna depend on the weight of the car, the rate of the spring, the force you hit the bump at and the travel in the shocks.
My shocks have 4 ins travel, so at the very worse case you are going to get 4 inches movement at the shock.
There's a reasonable bet your gonna hit a big bump sometime!
The other aspect is that of that 4 ins travel, the car should be sitting somewhere in the middle of that to allow for rebound movement, so thats
perhaps 1 1/2 droop, 2 1/2 compression, or normal upward movement, or however you decide to set the suspension up.
looking at the "clean" bits on my rear shocks i would guess i use around 2" of travel, there capable of more but that seems to be all it use's on a reg basis, they do btm out from time to time though don't they "Chris the speed ramp jocky PTM".....remember ?