Hi just wanting to know if anyone knows of a good place to buy some wheels, both here and abroad and what experience if any people have had with
buying abroad.
Im looking for some light weight split rims like these
westfield wheels
I have seen IMAGE WHEELS and man are they expensive or am being stupid are theses wheels always this expensive?
ebay has loads of alloys on, and sometime there are light ones too. Not normally new, but certainly cheap.
The ones as fitted in the picture are Image rims IIRC. And yes, they are expensive, but light, and very good quality...
Any 'decent' split rim is going to cost a lot more than the average alloy TBH. A lot more machining to do to construct the wheel in the
first place.
HTH Stu.
Cheers guys i think you confirmed what i thought that there gonna be expensive oh well ill have to weight.