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What is this rear caliper?
Davegtst - 3/7/12 at 08:52 AM

Ok i know it's a sierra but what side would it originally be on the sierra. I need to get a new one but the shop need to know what side.

sergebelg - 3/7/12 at 08:56 AM

It looks like "upside down"... how can you bleed it ?

Davegtst - 3/7/12 at 09:05 AM

It is upside down. I have to unbolt it and hold it the right way up to bleed it.

big-vee-twin - 3/7/12 at 09:22 AM

Well if its upside down its from the other side is it not?

maccmike - 3/7/12 at 09:22 AM

I had the same position (not caliper), tried swapping sides and with the addition of some small brackets already fitted, they swapped perfectly and were the right way up

[Edited on 3/7/12 by maccmike]

blakep82 - 3/7/12 at 09:27 AM

Originally posted by big-vee-twin
Well if its upside down its from the other side is it not?

no, not at all. i'm pretty sure that the original fitment on the sierra had them sitting at the top of the disc, so this one looks like it should be on the 'correct' side, as per the hand brake cable direction.

however, i'd have it on the other side myself. in fact i do...

there should be different part numbers stamped in them surely? never looked at mine, but since they're handed, they should be different part numbers, or an L or R in the number maybe?

Davegtst - 3/7/12 at 09:28 AM

Originally posted by big-vee-twin
Well if its upside down its from the other side is it not?

Not if on the sierra it is fitted to the front of the disc. I've been trying to find a clear picture of how it would be on the original car but can't find any. I could swap it to the other side but i would cause the handbrake cable to drag on the floor. It bleed easily enough so it isn't a problem. It only the handbrake mechanism that doesn't work.

big-vee-twin - 3/7/12 at 09:32 AM

Here's mine, on the top - but they are converted from Drums

[img] Rear Brakes
Rear Brakes

Davegtst - 3/7/12 at 09:42 AM

All sorted. It is on the correct side but on the sierra it is mounted on the top of the disc so the bleed nipple is the highest point.

SCAR - 3/7/12 at 10:04 AM

We just bought a new pair and the one you show came with a tab that said right (not suprisingly the other said left) However our build required them to be fitted to the rear of the disc and the opposite hand (therefore upside down). I believe the Sierra has them high and to the front of the disc. So yours is a right you just have it located slightly differently